Exergen Scanner DT 1001 User Manual

Unparalleled Accuracy  
. . .at the Speed of Light  
I. The Instruments  
The DermaTemp is a high precision hand-held infrared thermographic  
scanner designed to detect the subtle skin temperature variations caused  
by underlying perfusion variations.  
These instruments feature a patented automatic emissivity compensa-  
tion system for absolute accuracy regardless of skin type or color, and  
provide an instant temperature measurement on any surface location  
on the human body without the need for tissue contact.  
In those applications where tissue contact is desirable or cross-con-  
tamination is an issue, the use of disposable wraps or sheaths allows  
even moist or wet tissue to be measured with precision accuracy.  
The models include:  
the standard model  
DT-1001 LT  
DT-1001 LN  
DT-1001 RS  
has a conveniently angled stainless steel probe,  
and can be used with or without disposable probe  
has a longer probe than the DT-1001, and can  
be used with or without a disposable sheath. The  
sheath encases the entire instrument.  
has a remote stainless steel sensor attached to  
the instrument by cable, convenient for those es-  
pecially hard to reach areas.  
All instruments can be cleaned with any hospital approved disinfectant,  
including bleach, and can be gas or plasma sterilized.  
The DermaTemp is recommended for use in such areas as plastic and  
vascular surgery, anesthesiology, pain management, rheumatology,  
neurology, oncology, and wound management.  
The Instruments Feature:  
Full range resolution to 0.1°F/C  
SCAN, MAX and/or MIN modes of operation, model specific  
Fahrenheit/Celsius conversion  
A 10-second display lock  
An audible beeper to signal functional or conditional changes  
Hermetically sealed sensing system to withstand gas and plasma  
sterilization, and cleaning with any hospital approved disinfectant  
including bleach and alcohol.  
Pencil-like stainless steel sensor on the RS version.  
Optional disposable cover usage:  
Complete encasement with disposable sheaths for the LN  
Full probe covering with disposable wraps for the LT version.  
Optional Disposable Covers  
The use of disposable covers with the DT-1001 LT is optional, depend-  
ing on the requirements of the application. Recommended guidelines  
are as follows:  
Use With Disposable Cover  
For absolute accuracy, minimizing the effects of emissivity and  
evaporative cooling, contact with the measurement site is recom-  
mended. Accordingly, when direct contact is employed, use of a  
disposable probe cover is recommended.  
When touching moist tissue, use of a disposable cover is required  
specifically to avoid a lower temperature from the effects of evapo-  
rative cooling, and to protect against the risk of cross contamina-  
Use Without Disposable Cover  
If the measurement site is dry, direct contact can confidently be  
made without the use of a disposable cover. When the site is dry  
and the precise temperature is not a prerequisite, the measure-  
ment can be made without even contacting the skin. The probe  
can be cleaned with any hospital approved disinfectant, even bleach  
Instructions for Applying Disposable Covers  
Model 1001 LT Only  
Start with film perforation at edge of  
box tongue. Pinch bottom of white  
ring, push ring over peg.  
Stop at Perforation  
Release pinch, gently pull box away  
from probe to release film from box.  
Pinch just below next ring, before per-  
Rotate instrument into film until probe  
faces opposite direction, push ring on  
Release pinch. Pull box slightly away  
until next white ring is visible. Pinch  
ring, break film apart at perforation.  
Contact vs. Non-Contact Measurements  
In using any infrared temperature device, closer is always better, as the  
field of view increases proportionately to the distance from the surface.  
Accordingly, for maximum accuracy the probe must contact the sur-  
face at the point of interest. It does not need to be tightly pressed to the  
surface; a gentle touch is all that is required.  
When contact with the surface is not an option, position the probe within  
1/2 inch from the surface of interest. If using a non-contact protocol,  
the relative temperature indication of the instrument will be accurate.  
Operation and Controls  
The DermaTemp infrared thermographic scanner models 1001, 1001  
LN, LT and RS are all identical in performance and specifications. All  
are maximized for ease of use. The remote sensor on the RS version  
can either be left attached to the instrument for one-handed operation,  
or separated for use in hard-to-reach areas of interest. The LN and LT  
models can be used with or without disposable covers  
Using the DermaTemp  
The DermaTemp is equipped with an ON/OFF power button and a mode  
selector switch, model specific. The mode selector switch allows you  
to choose one of the three modes of operation, SCAN, MAX, or MIN.  
The LT model is designed in a peak select mode, and automatically  
selects and locks the highest reading when the ON/OFF button is  
To turn the instrument on, depress the red ON/OFF power push but-  
ton. The single beep will audibly indicate that the instrument is on.  
The display will momentarily read 8888,  
an indication that the microprocessor is  
performing a self-diagnostic check. Af-  
ter the test, the unit will measure and dis-  
play temperature in the selected operat-  
ing mode for as long as the power button  
is depressed.  
To Lock Reading:  
Release the red ON/OFF button to lock reading on display. The single  
beep will audibly indicate that the display is locked. The DermaTemp  
will hold the last reading on the display for 10 seconds before it auto-  
matically turns off.  
If you are using a DermaTemp 1001 LT, the highest temperature mea-  
sured will be retained before automatic turn off.  
To Restart:  
Depress the button anytime to restart. It is not necessary to wait until  
the display is clear. The DermaTemp automatically recalibrates each  
time the button is depressed.  
Operating Modes (Model Specific)  
SCAN: In the SCAN mode, the target’s instantaneous tempera-  
ture is continuously displayed and updated 10 times per second  
for as long as you keep the button depressed. After the power  
button is released, the display will lock on the last temperature  
measured and hold that reading for 10 seconds.  
MAX: In the MAX (peak hold) mode, the display will lock on the  
highest temperature measured for as long as you hold the power  
button down. Each time a new peak temperature is measured or  
repeated, an audible beep will sound. After you release the power  
button, the display will lock on the maximum recorded tempera-  
ture and hold that reading for 10 seconds.  
MIN: In the MIN (valley hold) mode, the display will lock on the  
lowest temperature measured as long as the power button is de-  
pressed. Each time a new low temperature is measured, a beep  
will sound. After the power button is released, the display will lock  
on the minimum recorded temperature and hold that reading for  
10 seconds.  
Non-Contact Scanning  
For situations where even light contact is contraindicated, bring the  
instrument nose as close to the measuring site as safely possible, keep-  
ing the following in mind:  
The instrument’s field-of-view, also referred to as the distance-to-  
spot ratio, is 1:1. A 1:1 field-of-view means that the sensor sees  
a circular area with a diameter equal to the distance between the  
sensor and the target area.  
For example, at a distance of 2 inches (5 cm), the sensor sees a 2  
inch (5 cm) diameter spot. The minimum spot size is approxi-  
mately 1/4 inch (6 mm) when touching.  
The DermaTemp averages the temperature of everything in its  
A small hot spot may get lost in a large viewing area. The closer  
you hold the instrument to a surface, the sharper its target resolu-  
Changing the Battery  
A standard 9-Volt alkaline battery will require replacement only once or  
twice per year under normal use. To replace, loosen the four captive  
screws and remove the cover. Disconnect the old battery and replace  
with a new one in the same location. Replace the cover and tighten the  
four screws. Use only high quality alkaline batteries or their equivalent.  
Captive Screws  
9-Volt Alkaline  
Fahrenheit or Celsius Conversion  
The DermaTemp can be used in either °F or °C. The only tool neces-  
sary to convert from one scale to the other is a paper clip.  
Find the small hole on the  
left side of the red display  
2. Push  
Straighten the paper clip.  
Insert the end of the pa-  
per clip into the hole and  
push to activate the small  
switch underneath.  
1. Push and hold  
While holding the paper  
clip pressed into the switch, turn the instrument on by pressing  
the red button.  
Remove the paper clip.  
To return to the original setting, repeat the process.  
Care and Maintenance  
Your DermaTemp is designed and built to industrial durability stan-  
dards in order to provide long and trouble-free service. However,  
it is also a high precision optical instrument, and should be ac-  
corded the same degree of care in handling as you would provide  
other precision optical instruments, such as cameras or otoscopes.  
Factory calibration data is installed via a computer through an op-  
tical link with the microprocessor. The instrument automatically  
self-calibrates each time it is turned on using this data, and will  
never require recalibration. If readings are not correct, the instru-  
ment should be returned for repair.  
The DermaTemp can be gas or plasma sterilized, or wiped down  
with any hospital approved disinfectant, even bleach. With nor-  
mal use, the only maintenance required is to keep the lens on the  
end of the probe clean. It is made of special mirror-like, infrared-  
transmitting material called Germanium.  
Dirt, greasy films or moisture on the lens will interfere with the  
passage of infrared heat and affect the accuracy of the instru-  
ment. If necessary, clean the lens with an alcohol prep or a cotton  
swab dipped in alcohol. Periodic cleaning is a good practice.  
Self Diagnostics  
Continuous Single Beeping  
The high performance DermaTemp continuously monitors its abil-  
ity to produce accurate temperature readings. If either the target’s  
temperature or the unit’s ambient temperature exceeds the opera-  
tional limits, the beeper will sound once per second and the LED  
display will default to a display message.  
When the target temperature is outside of the instrument’s oper-  
ating range, the unit will display either HI or LO and will beep con-  
tinuously at one beep per second. When the instrument’s own  
temperature is outside operating limits for ambient temperature,  
the display will show either HI A or LO A, and will beep continu-  
ously at one beep per second.  
Continuous Double Beeping  
The battery voltage is also monitored. A low battery is indicated  
by a continuous double beep per second. Temperatures will con-  
tinue to be displayed as long as accuracy can be assured. If the  
battery drops below 5.7 volts, it is considered “dead” and the dis-  
play defaults to  
Customer Service  
If repair is required:  
Contact Exergen for a Return Materials Authorization Num-  
ber (RMA).  
Mark the RMA number on the outside of your package and  
packing slips.  
Include a description of the fault if possible.  
Send the instrument freight/postage prepaid to  
Exergen Corporation  
51 Water Street  
Watertown, MA 02172  
Attention: RMA_______  
The instrument will be returned freight/postage prepaid.  
Should you have any clinical or technical questions, please con-  
tact a customer service representative in the medical division at  
Exergen Corporation. They may be contacted either by phone  
(617-923-9900), fax (617-923-9911) or email to  
II. Body Surface Temperature  
History and Introduction  
As early as 2800 BC, the Egyptians, using the scanning sensitivity of  
the fingers over the surface of the body, recognized that the body pro-  
duces heat, and that heat increases with disease. Further recognizing  
the distinction between local inflammation and fever, the Egyptians set  
the foundation for monitoring body surface temperature as a separate  
and distinct diagnostic methodology from the monitoring of core body  
But the ancient diagnostic technique  
of feeling for heat is highly subjec-  
tive, and only as sensitive as the  
hand of the feeler. The test of tem-  
perature is relative to the detector.  
A cold hand will indicate a warm  
body surface that a warm hand will  
Typical 19th Century Thermometer  
indicate as cold. Certainly, the hand  
of an experienced physician laid upon the skin could provide much use-  
ful information about the temperature of the patient and the course of  
an illness, but eventually a more objective assessment was possible  
with the introduction of the clinical thermometer developed during the  
last century.  
One of the earliest references to actually quantifying body surface tem-  
perature as a clinical diagnostic was in 1864 during the Civil War. Dr.  
Jackson Chambliss, a surgeon in the Confederate Army, used a ther-  
mometer to diagnose a traumatic femoral aneurysm by showing that  
surface temperature was decreased distally in the affected leg. 1  
In more recent times, the measure-  
ment of the surface temperature of  
the human body has not been rou-  
tinely undertaken in many clinical en-  
vironments - not because the mea-  
surement lacks clinical significance,  
but because it has been difficult to  
acquire. Conventional mercury or  
electronic thermometers have gen-  
erally been ineffective for surface  
temperature measurements for three reasons: 1) they are difficult to  
properly attach to the body surface, 2) they require a significant amount  
of time for the sensor portion of the device to equilibrate to the body  
surface temperature and 3) they are prone to low readings because it is  
not always evident that the surface thermal connection is adequate.  
Body Surface Temperature  
Heat signatures vary considerably over the  
surface of the human body, and physicians  
have long appreciated the relationship be-  
tween heat and disease. In fact as early as  
400 BC, Hippocrates wrote “In whatever  
part of the body excess of heat or cold is  
felt, the disease is there to be discovered.”1  
Undoubtedly the earliest use of clinical ther-  
mography, Hippocrates found when he cov-  
ered his patient’s body with wet clay, the mud  
dried quicker on the diseased area, thus pre-  
senting a crude but dramatic demonstration  
of the heat signatures.  
Thermographic scan of  
the patient with clay on  
his body. (Dorex, Inc. CA)  
It is impossible to define the surface tem-  
perature by any single normal value, since it  
is the result of a thermal balance between  
energy supplied from the core via perfusion  
and energy lost to the environment via radiation, conduction, convec-  
tion, and evaporation. All objects, whether animate or inanimate, ho-  
meothermic or poikilothermic, radiate electromagnetic energy (radia-  
tion) to the surroundings at a rate dependent on its temperature. In  
accordance with a basic law of physics, this invisible radiation is con-  
stantly emitted, absorbed, and re-emitted by everything in our surround-  
ings so that thermal equilibrium can be maintained. A simple example:  
left in normal room temperature, a cup of hot coffee quickly cools and a  
glass of iced tea quickly warms to the temperature of the room.  
If the human eye had the optical power to see the emitted radiation,  
which has all the same properties as a beam of light, but differing in  
wavelength, all mankind would have an incandescent glow. Because  
the temperature over the surface of the human body changes at a rapid  
rate in response either to its external environment or to its internal con-  
trol mechanism, the incandescence would be quite bright over some  
areas and quite dark over others. This variability of the temperature  
pattern gives question as to its significance, and yet it is a remarkable  
indication of the underlying body physiology.  
All biological tissue generates energy in proportion to the metabolic ac-  
tivity occurring within the cells. About 80% of the energy developed by  
the human body is converted into heat, with the balance converted into  
external work or into tissue growth. The circulatory system, in addition  
to circulating blood for its metabolic characteristics also distributes heat,  
thus replacing the heat energy lost to the environment, as well as nour-  
ishing the tissue. The resultant increase in heat energy delivered by the  
blood causes the temperature to rise until the heat energy lost to the  
environment again balances with the heat delivered.  
It has long been recognized that where there is injury or infection, there  
is inflammation, but injury or infection of itself does not create heat  
energy. When there is trauma, whether an injury or abnormal stimula-  
tion caused by a physical, chemical, or biologic agent, a pathologic  
process of reactions occurs in the blood vessels and adjacent tissues  
in response to the perturbation. The natural defense mechanism trig-  
gered immediately increases the flow of blood to the area of concern,  
causing the temperature to rise in proportion to the increase in blood  
flow. However, the maximum temperature can be no higher than that  
of the core arterial supply to the trauma tissue.  
Consider as a simple analogy, the action of washing your hands in a  
sink. If the water from the hot faucet were to be trickling in a small  
stream, it is likely it would feel only lukewarm. However, if you were to  
open that tap full force, the rushing water would feel quite hot. But, no  
matter how intense the rush, the water could never be hotter than the  
water from its source of heat, the furnace.  
The ancient diagnostic technique of feeling for heat over the body is a  
longtime indicator of inflammation. While localized temperature eleva-  
tions may be felt merely by the touch of the hand, the technique is  
highly subjective, and not sufficiently sensitive to detect the subtle  
temperature rises indicative of increased cellular or metabolic activity.  
With the introduction of infrared techniques, accurate surface tempera-  
ture patterns are immediately quantifiable and any changes easily de-  
tected. It is this knowledge that enables us to study any disease pro-  
cess resulting in a change in heat generation or thermal properties of  
the tissue.  
Infrared Thermometry  
Temperature is a fundamental property of all matter related to its en-  
ergy content, and can be described by a numeric value expressed on a  
scale of temperature. A human’s touch produces an instinctive sense  
of hot or cold to judge the relative temperature of two objects. How-  
ever, as a practical matter, clinicians must have a temperature scale  
that is independent of the observer, by which unknown temperatures  
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can be evaluated. With a proper temperature scale, measurements  
taken at different times or places can be compared. Without a ther-  
mometer, it would be impossible to measure the temperature of a hu-  
man with respect to a fixed scale of reference. Remember, the human  
test of temperature is relative to the detector. A cold hand will indicate  
a warm body surface that a warm hand will indicate as cold.  
Numerous techniques and devices are employed in the measurement  
of temperature. Many of these techniques, such as the use of glass  
mercury thermometers or electronic display devices using thermo-  
couples or thermistors, are generally understood and as a result well  
accepted in clinical medical practice. All three of the devices have one  
very important characteristic: they measure their own temperature, not  
the temperature of the object being measured, except in an indirect  
way. In order to make an accurate temperature determination using  
one of these measurement techniques, it is necessary for the device to  
have intimate contact with the subject for sufficient time to raise the  
temperature of the thermometer to the same, or close to the same,  
temperature as that of the subject. Thermal contact thermometers re-  
quire too much time to equilibrate, are sensitive to variations in contact  
pressure resulting in changes in the thermal resistance between the  
skin and the temperature detector, and tend to have too great a varia-  
tion from reading to reading. If these devices are not properly located,  
properly attached, or left in place for enough time to equilibrate, they all  
will give incorrect readings.  
The infrared method is fundamentally different from the other methods  
in that there is no temperature device to heat. Like an eye, the infrared  
instrument simply looks at the heat radiation naturally emitted from the  
body surface. Since there is nothing to heat, the measurement can be  
made very fast, orders of magnitude faster than the probe devices.  
Historically, most of the published clinical data on body surface tem-  
perature measurements are based on the use of infrared thermogra-  
phy. Infrared thermography has long been recognized as a reliable,  
highly technical diagnostic tool, and refers to the process of recording  
and interpreting variations in temperature of the surface of the skin in  
color or shades of gray. The clinical information is contained in the  
relative temperature profiles. The technique is effective, but the equip-  
ment is complex and expensive.  
Decades ago, the common image of a computer was that of an enor-  
mous, very expensive piece of equipment, something requiring an en-  
vironmentally controlled room and complex installation. Today’s com-  
puters have been reduced to hand held units. Infrared thermography  
was not a lot different: large and expensive, requiring environmentally  
controlled rooms, trained technicians, and exotic gases. Today’s ad-  
vanced technology makes it possible to put the power of infrared ther-  
mography in the palm of your hand, at a fraction of the cost of all previ-  
ous techniques. While there are a variety of infrared thermometers avail-  
able, only one is designed specifically to meet the stringent clinical re-  
quirements, the DermaTemp Infrared Thermographic Scanner.  
The DermaTemp Infrared Thermographic Scanner  
The DermaTemp is a high precision hand-  
held infrared thermographic scanner de-  
signed to detect the subtle skin tempera-  
ture variations caused by underlying per-  
fusion variations. These instruments in-  
stantly measure temperature on any sur-  
face location on the human body without  
the need for tissue contact.  
The Dermatemp is highly recommended  
for use in plastic and vascular  
surgery,anesthesiology, pain manage-  
DermaTemp DT 1001 and  
DT 1001-RS  
ment, rheumatology, neurology, oncology,  
and wound management. Other applica-  
tions follow this section.  
Infrared thermometry is fast, stable, repeatable, and is relatively insen-  
sitive to user technique. Skin temperature measurements with infrared  
thermometry are attractive because they are objective, low cost, and  
cause absolutely no trauma or discomfort to the patient. The versatility  
of the products allows for absolute temperature measurement, surface  
scanning, and comparative methods of temperature differential.  
Method Impedimenta  
Despite the tremendous benefits of using infrared technology for clini-  
cal applications, there are several impediments which should cause  
pause, such as variable skin characteristics, wet skin, and environ-  
mental influences. Since the process of measuring temperature by view-  
ing the infrared radiation of the surface is significantly faster than the  
other techniques mentioned earlier, the user needs to be aware of sev-  
eral important considerations. The surface temperature of the human  
body is sensitive to the external environment and can vary by several  
degrees in a short period of time. Drafts will lower the surface tem-  
perature. A cold room environment will lower the surface temperature.  
Any surface moisture will lower the surface temperature. Exercise will  
raise the surface temperature due to increased perfusion as a ther  
moregulatory response. Exposure to the sun or any other warm sur-  
face will raise the surface temperature. The user needs to be aware of  
these concepts and not be surprised in the event the temperature read-  
ings are not as expected.  
Ambient Effect on Body Surface Temperature  
The cardinal rule of interpretation of skin temperature is that the same  
environment will produce the same temperature if perfusion is the same.  
If the environment is the same and the temperature is different, then  
perfusion must be different. But body surface temperature can be  
significantly influenced by the temperature of the surrounding environ-  
ment as evidenced in the table.  
Effect of Ambient Temperature on Skin1  
Ambient Hand  
26.9°C 29.2°C  
33.2°C 33.2°C  
Therefore, absolute temperature readings must be interpreted in rela-  
tion to the environment, and the practitioner should be careful to protect  
the patient from drafts or exposure to large cold surfaces, to position  
the extremities to minimize pooling, and to allow time for the surface  
temperature to equilibrate to its environment.  
The distribution of the temperature on the body surface is generally  
bilaterally symmetric. This symmetry can form the basis for clinical  
interpretation of the surface temperature data. The temperature data  
from the normal or reference area can also be used to adjust for the  
circadian variations and for variations in the temperature environment.  
In general, it is the relative readings between the body surface tem-  
peratures that is of interest.  
Solving the Problems  
The DermaTemp is the result of many years of active  
scientific research in both the technology and clinical  
requirements. The patented reflective cup on the probe  
of the DermaTemp provides accuracy heretofore un-  
available for clinical use. The instrument is completely  
unaffected by conditions prohibiting the use of other  
Reflective cup  
infrared devices. Because of its unique design, the  
on probe tip  
classical problems in producing accurate temperatures  
have been solved.  
An important concept needed to understand how temperature is mea-  
sured using infrared radiation is the one of emissivity. Emissivity is a  
surface property which determines just how well an object’s tempera-  
ture can be measured by an infrared device. Emissivity (along with  
background thermal radiation) is the primary source of errors in infra-  
red temperature measurement. Emissivity can be more easily under-  
stood if it is realized that infrared has similar properties to visible light.  
Simply stated, emissivity is the opposite of reflectivity. A perfect mirror  
has a reflectivity of unity and an emissivity  
of zero. A perfect black body has an emis-  
sivity of unity and a reflectivity of zero. In  
actuality, all real bodies (including human  
ones) have an emissivity between these two  
It is not possible to accurately measure the  
surface temperature of any body with an  
emissivity of less than 1.0 without making  
a correction for this source of error. Hu-  
man skin is near but not equal to 1.0 and, if  
Poor Emitter  
Emissivity = 0.1  
Reflectivity = 0.9  
not accounted for, can introduce errors in  
the order of one to two degrees. The cup-  
like mirror used in the nosepiece of the DermaTemp scanner removes  
this source of error by trapping all of the radiation from the skin surface  
and in effect causing the skin surface to act like a black body with an  
emissivity of 1.0.  
Mirrors figure prominently in the discus-  
sion of heat radiation and emissivity.  
Since heat and light radiation behave the  
same way, we can use what we see with  
our eyes as examples of what the  
DermaTemp sees. When you look in the  
Emissivity =1.0  
Reflectivity = 0.0  
mirror, you see only reflections, nothing  
of the mirror itself. If the mirror is per-  
fect, it has 100% reflectivity. Because it  
reflects everything, it emits nothing. For  
this condition, the emissivity is zero.  
If we consider an imperfect mirror, the eye then sees mostly reflection,  
but also some of the imperfections on the mirror surface. If, for ex  
ample, we saw 90% of the mirror as a perfect reflector and 10% as  
imperfections, 90% of the mirror would reflect; the remaining 10% would  
emit. Therefore, the emissivity equals 0.1.  
Consider for a moment the exact opposite of  
a perfect mirror, which is a perfect emitter.  
The eye looks at a perfect emitter and sees  
no reflection at all, only the emitting surface.  
Since 100% of the surface emits, and 0%  
reflects, the emissivity equals 1.0. This type  
of object is called a blackbody.  
And finally, consider a good emitter. The eye  
sees a small amount of reflection interspersed  
with the large amount emitting. If, for ex-  
ample, 10% of the surface did not emit, and  
Good Emitter  
Emissivity = 0.9  
Reflectivity = 0.1  
instead reflected, then we would have 10%  
reflecting and the remaining 90% emitting.  
Therefore, the emissivity equals 0.9. Accordingly, we can state the  
following rule of emissivity: The emissivity of the surface is simply  
the percentage of the surface that emits. The remaining percent-  
age of the surface reflects.  
Alice’s Quest for Emissivity  
Is it possible to see a mirror?  
When the mirror is looked at, all other objects in the  
room are seen.  
Is it invisible?  
No, if it were, the wall would show behind it.  
So how can it be seen?  
If crayon spots are painted on the mirror, then the  
mirror can be seen.  
Of course, it can only be seen where there are spots.  
Everywhere else still reflects.  
Thus, light is emitted from the spots  
and reflected from the non-spots.  
(Full reprint available from Exergen)  
Correcting for Emissivity Automatically  
Biological tissue has  
high emissivity, i.e.  
~0.95. Accordingly,  
the reflected compo-  
nent will be about 5%  
of the energy mea-  
AECS active  
DermaTemp, which  
translates to an abso-  
lute error of ~1°F  
When AECS is active, ambient radiation is excluded  
and replaced by reflections of emitted radiation.  
(0.5°C). In addition, skin emissivity varies due to color, texture, etc.  
over the approximate range of 0.92 to 0.98. An uncertainty of approxi-  
mately ±1°F (0.5°C) results from this emissivity variation, which can  
appreciably influence the assessment of a subtle perfusion issue.  
A more significant er-  
ror is due to the re-  
deg F  
deg C  
flected energy, which  
can vary considerably  
if the ambient radiation  
includes sunlight, radi-  
ant warmers, etc. To  
solve this problem the  
Conventional Infrared  
Ambient T (F)  
equipped with a unique  
patented feature called  
Automatic Emissivity  
Compensation System  
(AECS). The reflective  
Effect of ambient temperature on infrared device  
readings for a surface at 38ºC (100ºF) with  
emissivity 0.9.  
cup on the end of the probe automatically compensates for emissivity  
when it is touching, or brought to within approximately 1mm of the sur-  
face. By excluding ambient radiation, and replacing it with reflections  
of emitted radiation, the emissivity is corrected, and the accurate tem-  
perature indicated  
Detection by Exception  
The distribution of the temperature on the body surface varies appre-  
ciably. For example, on a normal individual, the highest average skin  
temperature is the forehead at 34.5°C (±0.73°C) and the lowest aver-  
age temperature is the toes at 27.1°C (±2.72°C).1 Considering the  
temperature of the skin is highly influenced by ambient temperature,  
one could wonder what diagnostic role, if any, temperature would play.  
The answer is that it plays a significant role, and the reason is the  
bilateral symmetry. Skin temperature differences from one side of the  
body compared to the other are not only extremely small, but also very  
stable, and unaffected by the age of the patient. Data show differences  
between sides at the forehead to be 0.12°C at the forehead, and 0.25°  
at the lumbar region of the back. This symmetry forms the foundation  
for clinical interpretation of the varying surface temperature data.  
In general, it is the relative readings between the body surface tem-  
peratures that are of interest. Hence, the general principle is all detec-  
tion is by exception. Accordingly, the temperature data from the nor-  
mal or reference area can then be used to adjust for the circadian varia-  
tions and for variations in the ambient temperature.  
The change in body surface temperature with compromised blood flow  
is profound. A recent study was undertaken to mimic both partial and  
complete occlusion of blood flow to an extremity. The results indicate  
changes in skin surface temperature of an extremity reflect blood flow  
interruption or alteration in blood flow to that extremity.  
A baseline for systolic blood pressure was determined for each subject  
and the manometer cuff inflated to three levels, 30 mmHg above sys-  
tolic, 25 mmHg below systolic and 50 mmHg below systolic, with tem-  
perature readings taken on the inside wrist at 15 second intervals. Even  
at the lowest cuff pressure, there is a clear indication at the end of three  
minutes of the surface temperature change due to the lowered tissue  
perfusion caused by the reduction in arterial blood flow. The data also  
indicate the time between occlusion or partial occlusion and a measur-  
able temperature drop is very short, well under one minute.  
The surface temperature read-  
ings of the human body tend  
to be quite close between the  
bilaterally symmetric surfaces  
of region because of perfusion  
symmetry, but vary by several  
degrees on different body lo-  
cations because of perfusion  
differences. Both the hands  
and the feet can be substan-  
tially colder than the rest of the  
body surface due to vasomo-  
tor constriction of arterio-  
Effect of blood flow on body surface  
venous shunts as a ther-  
moregulatory response.  
A striking example of perfusion effects can be demonstrated by com-  
promise of circulation to the arm. A complete or partial occlusion of the  
artery in the upper arm will result in an immediate drop in hand tem-  
perature, and detectable in less than 30 seconds from the time of oc-  
clusion. The rapid response and the simplicity of infrared measure-  
ments make the technique effective in the hospital environment.  
III. Clinical Applications  
The following is a brief synopsis of a number of clinical applications for  
surface temperature measurements. These subjects are not covered  
in sufficient detail to be used for clinical protocols and are intended to  
be general indications for the use of infrared temperature measure-  
ments for clinical purposes. Because of the sensitivity of surface  
temperatures to the environment, it is important that certain precau-  
tions be followed in making surface temperature measurements. They  
1. Provide for adequate equilibration time in the room environment at  
which the measurements will take place.  
2. Protect the patient from drafts and exposure to cold surfaces (win-  
dows in winter).  
3. Consider the use of a skin surface marker to ensure the measure-  
ment sites are repeatable.  
Regional Blocks  
The effectiveness of regional  
blocks can be monitored using the  
change in surface temperature  
due to sympathetic vasodilation of  
the tissue in the blocked area,  
eliminating the subjective pin prick  
assessment method. Depending  
on the type and location of the  
block, one can expect to see a  
temperature increase in the order  
Using the DermaTemp to verify the  
of 1 to 1.5°C on the skin surface  
geography of the block  
of the blocked area in 10 to 30  
minutes after the injection of the  
blockade drug.  
In a recent study on sympathetic blockade, Chamberlain et al (1986)1  
measured the dynamic pattern of skin changes during spinal anesthe  
sia, concluding skin temperature increase to be a useful indicator of  
sympathetic blockade, demonstrating that temperature elevation always  
preceded the upper limits of sensory blockade, and had a similar pat-  
tern of onset.  
Epidural Catheter Positioning in Labor and Delivery  
Foot temperature has successfully been demonstrated as an indicator  
in the functional positioning of an epidural catheter. In a recent study  
conducted at Georgetown University Medical Center involving 70 par-  
turients, Shin et al1 confirmed the associated temperature changes  
provided better and objective evidence compared to the sensory pin-  
prick test or subjective pain scales. The rapid and differential rise of  
foot temperature allowed early positioning of the patient with the un-  
blocked cooler side down.  
Joint Inflammation  
Thermographic techniques have generally been used to demonstrate  
that surface temperature variations are an effective means to assess  
joint inflammation due to trauma and disease. Although the technique  
is effective it is not readily available in most clinical situations. In almost  
any clinical environment, infrared thermometry can provide the same  
basic data rapidly and at low cost.  
In a paper on skin tempera-  
ture as an indicator of joint in-  
flammation, Guadagni et al  
(1974)2 describe the surface  
temperature elevation over ar-  
thritic joints and the correla-  
tion of this measurement with  
the more conventional inflam-  
matory index. They con-  
cluded averaged joint skin  
temperature not only offers  
quantitative but as reliable and  
Evidence of connective tissue disease  
reproducible information  
about the degree of joint inflammation as conventionally used param-  
eters such as inflammatory index, grip strength, and joint size. Re-  
corded temperature data provides an objective means for the evalua-  
tion of the joint and its treatment modality over time. Both the magni-  
tude of the temperature elevation and its profile across the joint may be  
used in the evaluation.  
Digital Perfusion Assessment  
Levinsohn et al (1991)1 demonstrated that the infrared method of as-  
sessing perfusion was as reliable as Doppler methods, but far less  
expensive, much faster, and easier to use.  
A: Venous congestion was induced  
by placing a 28 mm wide cuff  
on the proximal phalanx of the  
long finger and then inflating the  
cuff to 5 mm Hg above resting  
diastolic pressure. With the aid  
of a nitrogen pressure regula-  
tor, cuff pressure was main-  
tained for 60 minutes and as-  
sessment of digital perfusion  
was performed at 10 minute in-  
tervals using:  
B: Laser Doppler Flowmetry  
C: Pulse Oximetry  
D: Skin Surface Fluorescence  
Evalutaion of methods of  
E: Skin Surface Temperature Mea-  
detecting perfusion impairment  
surement via a DermaTemp  
(Levinsohn et al 1991).  
Reconstructive Surgery  
Despite satisfactory technical replanta-  
tion, patients may develop vascular per-  
fusion problems postoperatively, which  
lead to marginally perfused tissue or to  
Because any significant  
change in perfusion is reflected as a  
change in body surface temperature,  
temperature measurement is an effec-  
tive method of monitoring the ongoing  
viability of replants and flaps1 .  
Stirrat et al (1978) study on the  
effect of temperature on digital  
A study by Stirrat et al (1978)2 on the  
effect of temperature monitoring in digi-  
tal replantation demonstrated a decline  
in perfusion may be recognized earlier via temperature monitoring and  
improvement gained by clinical measures before the need for reoperation  
occurs. The objective temperature measurements allow a nurse or  
nurses aide to follow condition, especially where skin color cannot be  
followed easily, e.g. dark-skinned patients or with severely trauma  
tized or ecchymotic digits, calling the physician for significant changes.  
The technique is atraumatic, and avoids patient anxiety which produces  
unwanted peripheral vasoconstriction. Temperature monitoring is also  
inexpensive and readily available.  
Lower Back Pain  
Lower back pain is one of the most common complaints of patients  
seeing a physician. Many complaints originate from work related acci-  
dents and contribute to a tremendously large number of hours lost from  
work. A study of 800 patients presenting with lumbar complaints and  
radicular asymptomatology  
by Weinstein et al3 com-  
pared the relative value of five  
diagnostic modalities and  
confirmed the accuracy of  
temperature as a method of  
confirming the presence or  
absence of root syndrome in  
low back pathology to be well  
above the 90th percentile.  
Barkan demonstrated that lumbar radiculopathy can be detected by  
temperature measurement with accuracy equal to CT Scan or myelo-  
gram.4 These studies support the findings of many other similar stud-  
ies,5 ,6 ,7 ,8 ,9 and clearly support the use of temperature measurement  
as a non-invasive technique without radiation, capable of reducing the  
number of invasive and uncomfortable myelograms and expensive CT  
scans of the lumbar spine.  
Diabetic Foot Screening  
Pedal infection is the most common cause of hospital admissions for  
diabetic patients in the United States and Great Britan1 ,2 ,3 , with more  
than 50% of the 125,000 amputations  
performed in the United States each  
year directly attributable to their dis-  
ease.4 The American Diabetes As-  
sociation estimates the costs of treat-  
ing lower extremity amputations ap-  
proaches $10 billion annually, but in-  
terestingly, data from the Centers for  
Disease Control demonstrate up to  
85% of diabetic foot and leg amputa-  
tions can be prevented.  
Temperature is an early indicator of foot problems in diabetic patients5 .  
Long before any clinical manifestations, heat can be detected, and the  
more sensitive the detection instrument, the earlier the warning.. As a  
key indicator of complications from the disease, temperature has been  
incorporated into routine diabetic foot screening protocols.6  
Two foot problems of major concern are foot ulcers and neuropathic  
fractures. Because of peripheral neuropathy, diabetic patients may not  
feel pain, and can continue walking on the foot. If the problem is not  
identified and treated in a timely fashion, they are at high risk for ulcer-  
ation, infection, and deformities, with amputation of a lower limb always  
a real and devastating complication.  
Using the DermaTemp for temperature monitoring in diabetic foot screen-  
ing can immediately determine the thermal geography of the area of  
concern, identify hot spots, and locate cool areas. As a diagnostic  
tool, it is objective and quantifiable. Because it is relatively insensitive  
to user technique, many physicians have recommended their patients  
monitor their own foot and leg temperatures with the DermaTemp as  
part of their patient’s self-care program.  
Peripheral Nerve Injury  
Temperature monitoring can be used in the quantification of peripheral  
nerve injury, differentiating among organic nerve damage, psychogenic  
factors, or even malingering.7 Skin temperature is altered in the field of  
an impaired peripheral nerve due to sympathetic vasomotor disturbance.  
Skin temperature in a normal individual differs between sides of the  
body only 0.24 ± 0.073°C. In patients with peripheral nerve injury, the  
temperature of the skin innervated by the damaged nerve deviates an  
average of 1.55°C.8 ,9 ,10  
Temperature monitoring has been found to be highly successful in iden-  
tifying the difficult pain problems e.g., diabetic or ischemic radiculopathy,  
facial pain syndrome, carpal tunnel, whiplash injuries of neck and up-  
per back, and the phantom limb pain seen in amputees.  
Cerebrovascular Disorders  
Temperature monitoring is a useful method for screening for cerebrovas-  
cular disease before subjecting the patient to the risk of invasive proce-  
dures. In the evaluation of extracranial carotid complex, temperature  
monitoring demonstrates a high degree of sensitivity in detection of  
hemodynamically significant stenosis of the internal carotid artery.11  
Early detection allows the physician to institute appropriate therapy before  
a stroke occurs.13  
Neonatal Skin Temperature  
The goal of neonatal thermal management is to establish an environ-  
ment of thermoneutrality in which the metabolic heat production re-  
quirement is minimal. Perlstein14 indicates that both the core and sur-  
face temperature of the neonate are required to quantify the rate of  
heat loss. The greater the difference between core and surface tem-  
peratures, the greater the heat loss from the infant. (This holds only if  
vasomotor activity is absent, as is the case for a neonate.) A typical  
surface temperature for minimum heat loss is indicated as 36.0-36.5°C  
Conventional thermal sensor systems are sensitive to the thermal con-  
tact resistance between the surface of the patient and the surface  
mounted device. A large thermal resistance will result in inaccurate  
surface temperature readings, tending to be on the low side of the ac-  
tual surface temperature. This technique requires time for the sensor  
to equilibrate and great care in the surface mounting methodology for  
accurate measurements. As a consequence, conventional surface  
detectors are usually used to monitor one location on the neonate and  
multiple site readings are rarely taken.  
Infrared thermometry provides a method  
for accurate surface temperature mea-  
surements on multiple skin surface loca-  
tions. The infrared technology has a short  
one-second time interval between read-  
ings, is essentially independent of user  
technique, and has no variable thermal  
contact resistance problem. The capabil-  
ity of rapid and accurate multi-surface temperature measurements pro-  
vides the clinician a new and expanded method for the assessment of  
heat loss from the body surface of the neonate.  
Wound Management  
Increased skin temperature has long been associated with infection,  
thus measuring the changes in skin temperature in the area of incision  
or trauma when compared to the surrounding tissue provide the neces-  
sary quantifiable information for early recognition of such infections,  
well before the process has caused any visible skin changes.  
Temperature measurement is especially useful for early diagnosis of  
postoperative wound infections1 , those at the IV site, and decubitus  
ulcers, for example, and provides for routine quantification of the infec-  
tion and subsequent monitoring of the healing process in an objective  
manner by the clinical staff.  
Thermal Assessment of Skin Diseases and Allergy  
Temperature monitoring provides an objective assessment of skin dis-  
eases2 as well as allergy and vasomotor tests3 since most of the skin  
diseases, or the percutaneous injection of pharmacodynamic substances  
used for testing, generate significant changes in the thermal pattern of  
the skin.  
Skin Temperature in Prognosis of the Critically Ill  
Skin temperature has been the subject of several studies monitoring  
blood flow in the critically ill.  
Data from these studies in-  
dicate increases in the tem-  
perature of skin, especially  
the big toe, were accompa-  
nied by improvement in the  
clinical status of the patient,  
and significantly greater  
survival. Boycks and Weil4  
concluded toe temperature  
provided the best correlation  
with cardiac index and prog-  
nosis of survival compared  
to arm, finger, thigh, or rec-  
tal temperatures.  
Toe temperature vs. cardiac index  
(Boycks et al)  
Kholoussy et al (1980)5 demon-  
strated attainment of normal rec-  
tal-toe temperature gradient con-  
sistently coincided with hemody-  
namic stabilization of the patient  
as indicated by other simulta-  
neously measured parameters  
and by the clinical condition. In  
all the patients that died, rectal-  
toe temperature gradient gradu-  
ally and progressively increased  
Toe temperature as a prognosis  
as the patient’s condition became  
(Boycks et al)  
Monitoring central peripheral temperature gradient was determined can  
accurately reflect the state of peripheral circulation, though may be lim-  
ited by peripheral vascular disease, central hypothermia, and the use  
of vasoactive drugs.  
Temperature Gradients in Detection of Shock  
Temperature monitoring of the gradient between forehead and sole tem-  
peratures has been demonstrated to provide early detection of masked  
symptoms during and after surgery. The effect of treatment and the  
prognosis for the patient are predictable according to the trends of the  
two temperatures as divergent or convergent. The dissociation when  
the two temperature are more than 7°C apart from each other suggests  
that the hemodynamical condition is worse than in the convergence  
when they remain within 2°C.1  
The blood flow in finger skin is known to be very susceptible to sympa-  
thetic nervous activity. Palm tissue temperature varies more with the  
emotional stress than does sole tissue temperature. Assuming fore-  
head and abdominal readings correspond to core temperature,2 and  
sole and palm readings to shell temperature, the hemodynamical con-  
dition in convergence is usually better than in dissociation. If dissocia-  
tion is observed in a post-op patient, the hemodynamical parameters  
have to be checked. When the arterial systolic pressure is less than 90  
mmHg and the urine output less than 1ml/min/mg, a state of shock can  
be diagnosed based on the dissociation (difference >7°C).  
A chilling sensation or shivering is common in dissociation, however,  
the symptoms can be overlooked in the patient just after surgery be-  
cause an intubated patient cannot complain of a chilling sensation, and  
shivering does not occur in patients whose muscles are flaccid owing  
to residual pharmacological effects of anesthesia. Monitoring of the  
patient’s body surface temperature allows for early detection of shock  
in postoperative patients with minimum discomfort and maximum safety  
to the patient.  
Raynaud’s Syndrome  
Temperature monitoring of patients  
with Raynaud’s Syndrome provides  
a useful, non-invasive method of  
quantifying temperature and heat  
patterns in determining the underly-  
ing pathogenesis of Raynaud’s at-  
tacks, and in the evaluation of any  
subsequent therapy. Temperature  
Evidence of Raynaud’s Syndrome  
monitoring may also be useful diag-  
nostic tool in differentiating primary  
from secondary Raynaud’s. Preliminary research data suggest  
Raynaud’s may be a common denominator in certain sleep disorders.  
Many patients with connective tissue diseases present with Raynaud’s  
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phenomenon, particularly those with scleroderma and progressive sys-  
temic sclerosis where it is the first symptom in 90% of cases, and may  
precede other manifestations by many years.3 ,4  
Other Areas or Applications of Interest  
Bone Fractures  
Diabetic Neuropathy  
Stress Fractures  
Breast Cancer Screening  
Diseases of Scrotum and/  
or Testicles  
Orthopedic Surgery  
Trigger Points  
Burn Injury  
Hansen’s Disease  
Pagets Disease  
Tumor Screening  
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome  
Headache Clinic  
Pain Management  
Varicocele Detection  
Cerebral Vascular Dis-  
Joint Trauma  
Peripheral Nerve Injury  
Vascular Obstruction  
Nerve Root Compression  
Soft Tissue Injuries  
Neuromuscular Injury  
Sports Medicine  
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IV. References  
Chambliss J. Case of traumatic femoral aneurism (sic) treated by digital compression-  
ligation afterwards of the external iliac artery. Confederate States Med Surg J, 1:97-  
2 Coar T. The Aphorisms of Hippocrates with a Translation into Latin and English 88 (AJ  
Valpy, London 1822).  
3 Robertson T. Clinical Temperature Measurement - Survey. CEC/Bell & Howell.  
Uematsu S, Thermographic imaging of cutaneous sensory segment in patients with  
peripheral nerve injury. J Neurosurg, Vol 62, 717-720, May 1985.  
5 Chamberlain DP, Chamberlain BDL. Changes in the skin temperature of the trunk and  
their relationship to sympathetic blockade during spinal anesthesia. Anesthesiology  
65:139-143, 1986.  
6 Shin Y, Pearson L, Burnett M. Anesthesiology V77,No 3A,Sep 1992.  
7 Guadagni DN, Dreith F, Smyth CJ, Bartholomew BA. Skin temperature as an indicator of  
joint inflammation, ISA BM 74321 (105-110), 1974.  
8 Levinsohn G, Gordon L, Sessler DI: Comparison of four objective methods of monitoring  
digital venous congestion; J Hand Surgery, Vol 16, No 6, 1056-1062, Nov 1991.  
Bloomenstein RB, Viability prediction in pedicle flaps by infrared thermograpy: Plast.  
Reconstr. Surg. 421:452-461, 1968.  
Sirrat CR, Seaber AV, Urbaniak JR, Bright DS. Temperature monitoring in digital  
replantation. J of Hand Surg, Am Soc Surg of the Hand, 1978.  
11 Weinstein SA, Weinstein G. Thermography, EMG, CT Scan, Myelography and Surgery in  
800 Patients: Georgetown University Medical Center, 14th Ann Meeting, Am Acad of  
Barkan I, Thermography: A useful adjunct to differential diagnosis: lumbar radiculopathy  
versus plexopathy in 10 cases. Georgetown University Medical Center, 14th Ann Meeting,  
Am Acad of Thermology  
Albert SM, Glickman M, Kallish M: Thermography in orthopedics, Ann NY Academy of  
Science 121, 157-170, 1964.  
Heinz ER, Goldberg HI, Taveras JM: Experiences with thermography in neurologic  
patients. Annual NY academy of Science 121:177-189, 1964.  
Raskin M, Martinez-Lopez M, Sheldon JJ: Lumbar thermography in discogenic disease.  
Radiology:119:149-152, 1976.  
16 Tischauer IR: The objective corroboration of back pain through thermography. J Occup  
Med:19;727-731, 1977.  
Ching C, Wexler CE: Peripheral thermographic manifestations of lumbar disc disease.  
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3:273-279, 1994.  
Most RS, Sinnock P. The epidemiology of lower extremity amputations in diabetic  
individuals. Diabetes Care, 6:87-91, 1983.  
Bergtholdt HT. Thermography on insensitive limbs: Medical Thermography, Theory and  
Clinical Applications 69-79, ed Uematsu S, Brentwood Publishing Co., Los Angeles, 1976.  
Dorgan MB, Birke JA, Moretto JA, Patout CA, Rehm BD: Performing foot screening for  
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Rasmussen TB, Freedman H: Treatment of causalgia: analysis of 100 cases. J  
Neurosurg 3:165-173, 1946.  
Uematsu S, Shendler N, Hungerford D, et al: Thermography and electromyography in the  
differential diagnosis of chronic pain syndromes and reflex sympathetic dystrophy.  
Wexler CE, Small RB: Thermographic demonstration of a sensory nerve deficit. J Neurol  
Orthoped Surg 3:73-75, 1981.  
Ackerman RH, Noninvasive diagnosis of carotid disease in the era of digital subtraction  
angiography; Neurol. Clin:1;70-85, 1983.  
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Abernathy M, Chang L, et al. Cerebrovascular thermograhy: technique and quality  
control. Am Acad of Thermology Ann Mtg. Georgetown University Medical Center, 1985.  
Perlstein P: Future directions for device design and infant management. Medical  
Instrumentation 21:1;36-41;Feb, 1987.  
Robicsck F, et al. The value of thermography in the early diagnosis of postoperative  
sternal wound infections. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. 32, 260-65, 1984.  
Warshaw TG, Lopez F: Thermoregulatory function in skin: an aspect of psoriasis. Acta  
Thermographica 5:22, 1980.  
Stuttgen G: Thermographic evaluation of the benign diseases and reactive changes of  
the skin: Biomedical Thermology, ed Gautherie M, Albert E. 397-411, Alan R Liss, Inc., NY,  
Boycks E, Weil MH. Toe temperature as an indication of blood flow in the critically ill.  
Biology and Medicine, Ch 190, 2073-2078.  
Kholoussy AM, Sufian S, Pavlides C, Matsumoto T: Central peripheral temperature: its  
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Vol 140:609-612, Nov, 1980.  
37 Tsuji T: Patient monitoring during and after open heart surgery by an improved deep body  
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Publishers, Boston, 1987.  
Benzinger TH. Heat regulation; Homeostasis of central temperature in man. Physiol Rev  
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Basset LW, Gold RH, Clements PJ, Furst D. Hand thermography in normal subjects and  
scleroderma, Acta Thermographica:5:19-22, 1980.  
Haberman JD, Ehrlich GE, Levenson C: Thermography in rheumatic diseases. Arch.  
Phys. Med and Rehab 49:187-191, 1968.  
V. Product Specifications  
Clinical Accuracy  
Temperature Range  
Operating Environment  
± 0.2°F or 0.1°C  
65 to 110°F (18 to 43°C)  
60 to 110°F (16 to 43°C)  
0.1°F or °C  
Response Time  
Emissivity Compensation  
Approximately 0.1 second  
Time Displayed on Screen  
Battery Life  
10 Seconds  
Approximately 5,000 readings  
Case Dimensions  
3.5" x 7" x 0.75"  
(9 cm x 18 cm x 2 cm)  
9 oz (255 gm)  
Case Shielding  
Complete copper coating for EMI and RFI  
Display Type and Size  
Large, bright red LED’s, easily readable in  
any lighting  
Industrial duty, impact resistant casing, her-  
metically sealed sensing system  
Certifiable traceable calibrations  
Meets or exceeds standards for electronic  
and radiation thermometers.  
Protected by one or more of the following  
US patents: 6056435, 6047205, 6045257,  
5893833, 5874736, 5653238, 5628323,  
5445158, 5381796, 5325863, 5199436,  
5017019, 5012813, 4993419, 4874253,  
4636091, RE035554, D03708. Other US  
and foreign patents pending.  
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Five Year Warranty  
Exergen Corporation warrants each new Exergen DermaTemp (ex-  
cept battery) against defects in materials or workmanship for a  
period of five years from the date of purchase, and agrees to repair  
or replace any defective product without charge.  
IMPORTANT: This warranty does not cover damage resulting from  
accident, misuse or abuse, lack of reasonable care, the affixing of  
any attachment no provided with the product or loss of parts or  
subjecting the product to any but the specified battery.* Use of  
unauthorized replacement parts will void this warranty.  
Exergen Corporation will not pay for warranty service performed  
by a non-authorized repair service and will not reimburse the cus-  
tomer for damage resulting from warranty service performed by a  
non-authorized repair service. No responsibility is assumed for  
any special, incidental or consequential damages.  
In order to obtain warranty service, simply call Exergen Corpora-  
tion Customer Service, 617-923-9900, for an Return Material Au-  
thorization number (RMA). Then send the product, postage or  
shipping prepaid, to Exergen in accordance with the instructions  
given with the RMA number. It is suggested that for your protec-  
tion, you ship the product, insurance prepaid. Damage occurring  
during shipment is not covered by this warranty.  
NOTE: No other warranty, written or verbal, is authorized by  
Exergen Corporation. This warranty gives you specific legal rights  
and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.  
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or  
consequential damages, so the above exclusion and limitations  
may not apply to you.  
Straight From the Heart°  
PHONE: 617.923.9900 . FAX: 617.923.9911  
P/N: 818511 Rev 1  

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