Reactor 50-112 / 50-212
Owners Manual
Copyright 2006 by G66 GmbH
Once a modeler is installed in the DS-1, all of the signal input and output as well as
the power supply connections are made. No wall wart or external power is required,
the Reactor automatically selects and sends the correct power / voltage to the
modeler loaded DS-1. Installation and de-installation is quick and requires no tools.
The DS-1 is then easily loaded into the Reactor 50 112/212. A blank template is
also available for people who wish to use rack mount modelers and other choices for
pream ps, including the grow ing num ber of people using floor based “pedal style”
amp modeling products. The Reactor’s classic design w ill long outlive current digital
technology with value, versatility, and the elegance of a classic.
Getting Started
If you are reading this manual you have probably already opened your Reactors
shipping carton. Now would be a good time to familiarize yourself with the things
that are inside the carton.
W hat’s in the Box
Every Reactor 50 112/212 comes from the factory shipped complete with a DS-1
docking unit and the following items:
Owners Manual
Product Registration Card
Packed with the DS-1
One (1) AC line cable for proper usage in the country of purchase.
Three (3) mushroom head bumper caps
The wiring harness to connect a desktop style modeler into the DS-1.
The 50 112/212/50 or the 212/50 Atomic Reactor only have one controller. Not
because we forgot something or because the money ran out, but because the amp
modeler takes care of all the sound adjustments. It's not a bug, it's a feature!
The Input jack next to the On/Off switch (Red) and the Stand-By switch (Blue)
should be used as Guitar Input when Modelers like a Pod, V-Amp, ToneLab or Black
Box with the docking station DS-1 and the appropriate Template Kit are fitted in the
Atomic Reactor.
All other Modelers – especially all Floor Pedals – should be connected to the Return
Jack of the Atomic Reactor amplifier, the guitar is then connected to the Input jack
of the Modeler. The docking station DS-1 should then be closed with the blank
template kit, on which no drinks or food should be placed, even though the
temptation may be great. Your amp will not like drinks, they could kill him; liquids
are not good for a high voltage tube system.
The Atomic Reactor is a full range system, its special loudspeakers can handle
frequencies up to 18 KHz, which is the same as a normal PA system. You can switch
the output m ode from „Studio/D irect“, „D irect M ode“, „Recording O ut“ or „D irect
O ut“, so that the right speaker, box and m icrophone m odels are activated.
The output signal of the Modelers can be sent direct to a Mixer via the Send Jacks
(left/right) on the rear side of the Atomic Amps, for an absolute professional PA or
Recording sound.
Turning On and Off
Like most Tube Amps, the Atomic Amps have a Stand-By switch. It's important to
use this switch. This means; first use the Red Power switch to turn the Atomic
Reactor on at the mains, wait 30 seconds and then use the Stand-By switch to be
ready to play. When turning the Amplifier off, start with the Stand-By switch and
then turn the Power switch off. It's important to use this sequence for turning on
and off.
Special information for owners of Line6 POD or POD xt, Behringer V-Amp,
VOX ToneLab and M-Audio Black Box
For these so called „D esktop M odelers“ w e have special frame templates and power
cords. You should have received the right Template-Kit for your modeler. This Kit,
together with the Docking Station DS-1 and your Desktop Modeler will form a
complete unit. The power and audio connections follow internally; Floorboards, Midi-
Pedals, USB-Tools can also be connected to the rear side of the Amp.
The DS-1
Atom ics’ philosophy is to afford it’s customers the opportunity to choose the brand
of modeler or preamp that they prefer, and thus enjoy the sonic characteristics that
they demand. The DS- 1 allows Atomic Reactor Series amplifiers to act as a
platform for select digital amp modelers and other types of related equipment.
When using a modeler installed in the DS-1, all of the signal input and output as
well as the power supply connections are made. No wall socket or external power is
required, the Reactor automatically selects and sends the correct power / voltage to
the modeler loaded into the DS-1. Installation and de-installation requires no tools.
The DS-1 is then loaded into the Reactor 50 112/212. The DS-1 design gives the
user the ability to “quick sw ap” (you don’t have to turn the Reactor on or off and
wait for the tubes to come up to speed) the Dock into and out of the Reactor. With
the “quick sw appable” capability designed into the DS-1 you can quickly change
Dock/modeler combination.
Template Kits
The installation of your modeler into a Dock requires the proper
matching template kit. Currently, the following kits are available.
Template Kits are designed to adapt
most popular desktop modelers into
the Atomic DS-1 Docking Unit.
A template kit consist of a pre-fitted,
injection molded frame and the
appropriate mounting hardware to hold
a modeler securely in place inside the
DS-1 docking unit.
For rack mount &
floorboard style
modelers and preamps
use the BLANK KIT. For
more info check out
pages 8, 12, 13, & 14.
The kit also includes the proper power
connecting cable for the modeler to
allow the modeler to be powered by
the Atomic Reactor 50 112/212’s super
high quality power supply! NO WALL-
Installing a Modeler into the DS-1
In the large opening of the Atomic Amp, you will see three round cavities, like
circles in a cornfield. This is where the mushroom heads of the locking screws fit.
Screw the 3 thumbscrews
labeled “A”, "B” & ”C”, into the
corresponding holes located on
the bottom of the DS-1.
Attach the 3 rounded
mushroom heads caps to the
ends of the locking screws. *
*A set of mushroom heads come
shipped with each Reactor 50
Position the proper docking
template on the top of your
Insert the docking template
along with the modeler into the
rear of the DS-1, locating and
positioning it in the notch of the
template frame.
Tighten down the thumbscrews
until modeler is held securely in
After securing modeler,
connect the Input and,
Left/Right output connectors.
The Input cable is extra long
to accommodate modelers
that have their input jacks
located on the front.
Please note that there is
plenty of room to get to foot
controller connections etc. If
your modeler has a ON/OFF
switch, switch it ON now.
Use the power cable included
with the docking template to
connect between your
m odeler’s pow er input and the
DS-1s power output. THERE
The DS-1 automatically
compensates for your
m odeler’s voltage and polarity.
Check if everything is connected correctly and then let the „D ocking Station“ click
into place. If this sounds com plicated, don’t w orry, it isn’t. Just try it, it’s easier than
you think.
Now turn the Master-Volume-Control on the rear side of the Atomic to the left
(Volume off) and switch the red Power Switch on, after of course connecting the
amplifier to the mains. Your Modeler will also switch on and the red power switch
will light up, err red? Yeah you guessed it. Even the tubes will start to glimmer now.
A tube amp needs time to warm up, the tubes need about 30 seconds to get up to
their working temperature. Now turn on the blue Stand-By switch, which will light
up green, no sorry only joking, it will light up blue. Now connect your guitar to the
Input Jack of your Atomic Amp. Turn the Master-Volume-Control on the rear side of
the amp and the Output-Level-Control of your Modeler to the required volume and
it’s time to start rocking. If you connected all your cables like we suggested and
your Modeler is turned on, you should be surrounded by amazing tube analogue
mixed with digital Modeler sounds, making crisp and warm guitar amp sounds. The
right Output Jack of the DS-1 connects the Modeler directly to the Send-R-Jack of
the Atomic Reactor-Effect-Loop on the rear side. The signal is mono until a cable is
put into the Send-R-Jack.
If you use a multi-effect device or just plain old stomp machines, they can be
connected using the normal Send and Return Jacks of the Atomic Amp. Using the
red push-button you can switch the Effect-Loop from mono to stereo. Check your
Modeler manual for information about controlling the output level.
For Rich Kids: If you want a really professional stereo solution, buy a second Atomic
Reactor amp. Connect the Send-R-Output from the first Atomic Amp (the one with
the Modeler!) with the Return-Jack on the rear of the second Atomic Amp.
For even Richer Kids: Wanna use more than one Modeler? No problem, just order a
second, third, fourth or fifth DS-1 and the Template Kit for your Modelers. Set up
like we described earlier and during a gig, you can snap one out, snap a new one in,
without turning the Atomic Amp off. The new Modeler is ready for use immediately.
Special instructions for owners of Floor-Amp-Modelers and other Modelers
not mentioned above
Do not despair, if you own one of these devices and cannot use the DS-1 Docking
Station. We will show you how it is done.
Installing a Blank Template into the DS-1
First locate the 8 screws
attaching the template
frame to the top of the
DS-1. There are 4
screws that come in
groups of 2 on each
side. Remove these
screw s (and don’t lose
them!) using a properly
sized Phillips-head
Remove the template
frame of the DS- 1
Still got the screws?
Replace the template
frame with a blank
template (Atomic Part #
ATBLANK – purchased
Still got the screws?
Replace the 8 screws.
(Whew!) You can now
load the DS-1 into the
Reactor as usual *.
The Reactor is now
ready to be used with a
Pro-rack or foot
controller style modeler
NOTE! When bypassing the DS-1, the “R ETU RN ” input on the rear
jack panel of the Reactor 50 112/212 should be used as the
R eactor’s m ain input, (see pages 11-14). Inserting a jack into the
R ETU R N puts the Reactor in “D irect M ode” and autom atically cancels
out the open audio cables from the DS-1.
Return the DS-1 into it’s place in the Atom ic Am p w ith a snap – and that’s it!
Turn the Master-Volume-Control on the rear of the Atomic Amp down. Connect the
amp to your favourite mains socket. Turn on the Power Switch (red), wait the
obligatory 30 seconds until the tubes are warm. Now turn the Stand-By switch on
(blue) and adjust the gain level on the Master-Volume the Atomic Amp and your
Modeler and you will hear those fantastic warm, crisp Guitar/Amp sounds blow your
tootsies off!
For Rich Kids: If you want a really professional stereo solution, buy a second Atomic
Reactor amp. Connect the Send-R-Output from the first Atomic Amp (the one with
the Modeler!) with the Return-Jack on the rear of the second Atomic Amp.
Desktop Modeler in Stereo
Ato mic Amp lifiers LLC.
Oran ge CT.
Ato mic Amp lifiers LLC.
Oran ge CT.
If you wish to use a pair
of Reactors in MONO,
simply use the SEND – L
output instead of SEND –
After obtaining the proper
template load your
modeler into the DS-1
that comes provided with
your Reactor 50 112/212.
Load the DS-1 into the
docking bay located in
the top of Reactor #1,
making sure that the
dock locks click into
Install a blank
template onto the
Reactor # 2’s D S-1.
Then load the DS-1
back into the
If using a foot controller
Turn on Reactor
Run a standard shielded
1/4 inch cable from
with your modeler,
#1s power switch
Reactor # 1’s Send R on
the rear panel to the
Return on Reactor # 2’s
rear panel.
connect it as normal
using the connector
access port located on
the rear of the reactor.
(it should light
up). Your modeler
should power up
at the same time
as the amp.
Turn on Reactor #2s power switch
(it should light up). Later turn on
Bring up the levels on your modeler
and switch to some of your favorite
stand by.
Floorboard Style Modelers
Ato mic Amp lifiers LLC.
Oran ge CT.
Atomic Amplifiers LLC.
Orange CT.
Using two
Replace the DS-1’s back
Plug the Left and Right
Reactor 50
into the docking bays
outputs of your Foot
Controller style modeler
or preamp into the pair
of Reactor’s RETU RN
112/212s Install
blank templates
onto the DS-1
docking units.
located in the top of the
Reactors making sure that
the dock locks click into
If using outboard effects
It is a good idea to
Turn the m odeler’s
pedals or devices with your
modeler, connect them as
normal per the
make sure the output
levels are turned
down on your
power on.
m anufacturer’s instructions.
Turn the Reactors power switches
Bring up the levels on your modeler and
to the ON position (they should
light up).
switch to some of your favorite presets.
Pro Rack Type Modelers or Preamps
Ato mic Amp lifiers LLC.
Oran ge CT.
Ato mic Amp lifiers LLC.
Oran ge CT.
Using two Reactor
Replace the DS-1’s back
Plug the Left and Right
outputs of your Pro-
Rack style modeler or
preamp into the pair of
Reactor’s RETU RN
50 112/212s
into the docking bays
located in the top of the
Reactors making sure that
the dock locks click into
Install blank
templates onto the
DS-1 docking
If using outboard effects
It is a good idea
If using outboard effects
pedals or devices with
your modeler, connect
them as normal per the
m anufacturer’s
pedals or devices with
your modeler, connect
them as normal per the
m anufacturer’s
to make sure
the output
levels are
turned down on
your modeler.
Turn the Reactors power switches to
Bring up the levels on your modeler
and switch to some of your favorite
the ON position (they should light
Connecting an external Loudspeaker Box
On the rear side of the Atomic Reactors 50 112/212/50 and the 212/50 is a Output
Jack for an external Loudspeaker Box. The impedance should not exceed 8 Ohms,
use a professional loudspeaker cable not a guitar cable which can melt and burn.
The red push-button “Internal O N /O FF” is there to turn the internal loudspeaker on
or off, when an external box is connected. This button must be turned on when no
loudspeaker box is attached.
Adjusting and replacing the Amplifier Tubes
The Atomic Reactor uses an internal bias adjustment for both tubes (6L6GC from
the Slovakian manufacturer JJ). When tubes from other manufacturers are being
used, a bias adjustment may be necessary to keep getting the maximum from you
Atomic Reactor. Do not think of doing this yourself; get a qualified professional
Service Engineer to do it. Inside the amplifier there are high voltages (up to 400
Volt) being used. If one of the tubes should fail always replace both tubes at the
same time. Always use a matched pair! The third tube is a 12AX7 (ECC83), which
takes over the role of the phase inverter. This tube is not suffer any deterioration.
All tubes should only be replaced by the same type.
Under the mains cable socket on the rear side of the Reactor, you will find the fuse.
If this should ever blow, replace it with same type: 1,6 A 230 - 250 V.
The warranty time is 24 months, starting from the receipt of purchase. This does
not include the tubes, which have a natural wear lifespan.
W e’ve saved the m ost im portant inform ation for the end
Get out and have some fun, make some good music and enjoy your new setup.
Exclusive European Atomic Distribution:
G66 GmbH
Hermann-Löns-Strasse 39
D-50996 Köln
+49 (0) 221 47 15 670
+49 (0) 221 47 15 687 (fax)
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