Getting Started
with the
Agilent Pulse Generator
You only need a few minutes to get started with
the Agilent 81133A and 81134A Pulse Generator.
This Getting Started Brochure helps you to quickly
understand the operating principles and
set up your first signals.
If you need more detailed information on the
Agilent 81133A and 81134A Pulse Generator,
check out the Online Help.
Installing the Agilent 81133A and 81134A
Check if the Agilent 81133A or 81134A shipping container
contains the following standard deliverables:
The Agilent Pulse Generator
81133A or 81134A
This Getting Started Brochure
power cable
The Product CDs
USB cable
If the contents are incomplete, if there is mechanical damage, or if the
instrument does not work within its specifications, notify the nearest
Agilent office. The Agilent office will arrange for repair or replacement
without awaiting settlement.
Once you have plugged in the instrument, you can start using it.
Make sure you keep the ventilation holes free wherever you install
the instrument.
The USB interface will be supported starting spring 2003.
Please visit our Web page for a free update of the firmware.
Please refer to the User Guide delivered on the
Product CD if you need more information about
working with the instrument.
Getting Started with the Agilent 81133A and 81134A
Now that you have unpacked the instrument and plugged it in,
let´s take a look at the main elements of the front panel.
Numeric Keys
Global inputs
and outputs
inputs and outputs
Navigation knob
Tab Keys to navigate
between the pages
Switch on the instrument. You can immediately start playing with the settings.
Start by pressing the tab keys. You see that only the lower part of the panel page
changes. You can switch between five panel pages, which allow you to set
parameters for different instrument settings.
The parameters at the upper part of the panel page are valid for the whole instrument.
Navigate through the pages with the Tab Keys
Main Page
Channel Page
Config Page
Data Page
Aux Page
Changing Parameters
The navigation knob makes it easy to move through
and set the parameters.
Rotate the navigation knob
to move from one parameter
to the next.
Let’s select a parameter
from a selection list.
Press the navigation knob
to open the selection list
(like clicking
with the mouse).
Rotate the navigation knob
to scroll through the list.
Select an item by pressing
the navigation knob.
You have three options for using the navigation knob.
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Changing Parameters
Now let´s change a number field
Press the navigation knob
once to focus at the
number field.
Turn the navigation knob
to set the number
When you rotate the navigation knob
the value changes. You can do this in run time.
It let’s you immediately see the changes on a scope.
Or, to change one digit
Press the navigation knob
once when you are done.
Press and rotate the
navigation knob to
select the digit.
You can also press the
arrows next to the navigation knob.
Release the navigation knob.
Now when you rotate it,
the number changes.
Press the navigation knob
once when you are done.
You can also:
Use the arrows next the
navigation knob
Enter a value
with the key pad.
to select a digit.
Setting Up a Data Pattern
Imagine, you have designed a new digital circuit with ECL logic and
3.3 GHz clock, and you want to check its correct behavior.
To test it, you decide to simulate a 32-bit pattern signal with NRZ
data output format:
Protect the DUT
Whenever you change a parameter, the generated signal immediately changes.
To protect your DUT, make sure you disconnect the channel outputs first.
Do this by pressing the softkey next the following function:
The open contactor shows you
that your DUT is now disconnected
Now let’s set the instrument parameters
These define the signal that will be generated.
Select the Unit
Enter the Frequency value
using the keypad
First, disconnect the outputs
to protect the DUT
Choose the Pulse/Pattern Mode
for the Signal
Setting Up a Data Pattern
You can now set the channel mode, timing and
level parameters for the channel
Indicates that the Parameters
are set for Channel 1
The LEDs show the status
of the outputs
gray = disabled, green = enabled,
crossed out = all outputs disconnected
Select the ECL level format
Select Pulse Type NRZ
Enable the Channel 1 normal Output
by pressing the respective softkey
You can switch
between the two channels
by pressing this softkey
Select Pulse Mode Data
Switch to the Channel Page
Now let’s set the data
Enter a data pattern
length of 32 bits
Enter your data pattern
Switch to the Numeric Edit Mode
Switch to the Data Page
Setting Up a Data Pattern
Reconnect the DUT
When you are done, you can reconnect the DUT by clicking the following softkey:
If you attach a scope (as DUT), you can immediately see the signal
You can use the generator’s trigger output to trigger the scope.
The LEDs tell you which
outputs are enabled
Enable the Trigger Output ...
... or press the
Trigger Out softkey
Switch to Aux Page
Now you can view the data pattern and the trigger output signal
on your oscilloscope
What Else You Can Do
The Agilent 81133A and 81134A Pulse/Pattern Generators are high-end,
easy-to-use tools for generating pulses, patterns and data at speeds
up to 3.35 MHz. They are ideal instruments for testing logic devices
(for example, ECL, LVPECL, LVDS) and other digital devices with
clock rates from 15 MHz to 3.35 GHz.
You can use the Pulse/Pattern Generators for applications where timing and
performance are critical and full control over signal jitter is required.
The instruments are ideal data and pattern sources for eye diagram
Your advantages are
Fast rise times, low jitter
and full parameter flexibility
PRBS from 25-1 to 231-1
When timing is critical, the 81133/34A’s
fast rise times, the low jitter and full parameter
flexibility make it an ideal pulse,
You can evaluate the performance of a device
in eye diagram measurements with PRBS
from 25-1 to 231-1.
clock and data source.
Full signal manipulation
You can add jitter to clock or data signals
with the Delay Control Input and deform the
eye with the Variable Crossover Point.
Predefined Levels
You can use the predefined levels
to easily set up channels for commonly
used logic families. These are:
Data can be 8 kB of pattern memory
You can create large data patterns
with 8 kB of pattern memory.
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Requirements and Possibilities for Remote Control
Using the Pulse Generator's Remote Control Interfaces
You can integrate the Pulse Generator in your production environment.
Its remote programming interfaces (USB, LAN, GPIB) allow you to set up
extensive tests that involve several instruments.
The accompanying Agilent I/O Libraries for instrument control must be
installed on the controlling PC.
It is possible that your Generator’s firmware is not set up for USB.
USB functionality will be included in a later release of the firmware.
Check the Agilent Web page for update information.
For detailed information on how to connect the instrument
physically to your external PC, and what you have to do to talk
to the instrument, please refer to the Programming Guide
delivered on the Product CD.
Agilent Corporate Information, Product Numbers
For more information, please visit us at:
Ordering Information
Agilent 81133A
Agilent 81134A
3.35 GHz 1-channel Pulse/Pattern Generator
3.35 GHz 2-channel Pulse/Pattern Generator
Agilent 8113xA-UK6
Agilent 8113xA-1CP
Agilent 1494-0059
Commerical Calibration Certificate with Test Data
Rackmount and Handle kit
Rack Slide Kit
Agilent 15435 A
Agilent 15432 B
Agilent 15433 B
Agilent 15434 B
Agilent 15438 A
Transition Time Converter 150ps
Transition Time Converter 250ps
Transition Time Converter 500ps
Transition Time Converter 1000ps
Transition Time Converter 2000ps
Warranty and service
3 years Return-to-Agilent (Standard with every Order)
5 years Return-to-Agilent
Commercial Calibration for 3 years
Commercial Calibration for 5 years
Standard Compliant Calibration for 3 years
Standard Compliant Calibration for 5 years
Related Agilent Literature
Agilent Family of Pulse/Pattern
Generators Brochure
P/N 5980-0489E
Agilent 81100 Family Pulse/Pattern
Produkt Overview P/N 5980-1215E
Agilent 3.35 GHz Pulse/Pattern
Generators Photocard P/N 5988-5935EN
Agilent Technologies 81133A
and 81134A 3.35 GHz Pulse/Pattern
Generators, Technical Specifications
P/N 5988-5549EN
Need to test jitter?
P/N 5988-7050EN
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