Maintenance Manual
Extensa 57x Series
Notebook Computers
May 1996
Con t en t s
1.1 . . . . In trodu ction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
1.2 . . . . Produ ct Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
1.4.2 . . . Glidepad Poin tin g Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
1.4.3 . . . Keyboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
1.4.5 . . . Wireless Con n ection With Serial In frared Port . . . 1-8
1.4.7 . . . Notebook Expan sion Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
1.5 . . . . Stan dard Test Featu res . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
1.6 . . . . Notebook Assem blies an d Su bassem blies . . . . . . . . . 1-9
2.1 . . . . In trodu ction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
2.3 . . . . In stallin g Notebook Option s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
2.3.2 . . . In stallin g PCMCIA Option s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
2.3.3 . . . In stallin g th e Option al Nu m eric Keypad . . . . . . . 2-2
Con ten ts iii
2.6 . . . . In stallin g th e AC Power Adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
2.7 . . . . In itial System Ch eckou t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
2.8 . . . . Con figu rin g th e System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
2.10 . . . Loadin g Application Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
3.1 . . . . In trodu ction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
3.2 . . . . Notebook Con trols an d In dicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
3.2.1 . . . LCD Con trast Con trol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
3.2.2 . . . Bu tton Switch es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
3.2.3 . . . Cover Release Latch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
3.2.4 . . . Glidepad Con trols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
3.3 . . . . Operatin g Procedu res . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
3.3.1 . . . Floppy Drive Operatin g Procedu res . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
3.3.2 . . . In stallin g/ Rem ovin g PCMCIA Option s . . . . . . . . . 3-4
3.3.3 . . . Com pu ter Hot Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
3.3.4 . . . Respon din g to Low Battery Con dition s . . . . . . . . . 3-4
3.3.5 . . . Min im izin g Power Usage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
3.3.6 . . . Rech argin g th e Battery Packs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
3.3.7 . . . Con dition in g th e Prim ary Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
3.3.8 . . . Restorin g Missin g System Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
3.3.9 . . . Rebu ildin g th e System Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
4.1 . . . . In trodu ction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
4.2 . . . . Notebook Fu n ction al Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
iv Con ten ts
4.2.5 . . . Floppy Diskette Drive Su bsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7
4.2.7 . . . PCMCIA Su bsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7
4.2.8 . . . Sou n d Su bsystem (Model Depen den t) . . . . . . . . . 4-8
4.2.9 . . . Power Su bsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
5.1 . . . . Gen eral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
5.2 . . . . Overview of Fau lt Isolation Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
5.3 . . . . Trou blesh ootin g Procedu res . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
5.3.1 . . . Trou blesh ootin g a Power Su pply Problem . . . . . . . 5-3
5.3.2 . . . Trou blesh ootin g a Display Problem . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
5.3.4 . . . PCMCIA Modem Problem s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
6.1 . . . . In trodu ction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
6.2 . . . . Preven tive Main ten an ce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
6.2.1 . . . Clean in g th e Com pu ter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
6.2.2 . . . Protectin g th e Disk Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
6.2.3 . . . Han dlin g th e Com pu ter Battery Pack . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
6.2.4 . . . Restorin g System Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
6.4 . . . . Notebook Field-Replaceable Parts an d Assem blies . . . 6-3
6.4.1 . . . Cover -Display Assem bly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
6.5.1 . . . Rem ovin g/ Replacin g th e Notebook Battery Pack . 6-8
6.5.2 . . . Rem ovin g/ Replacin g th e Floppy Drive/ CD-ROM . 6-8
6.5.3 . . . Rem ovin g/ Replacin g th e Hard Drive . . . . . . . . . . 6-9
6.5.4 . . . Rem ovin g/ Replacin g DIMM Modu les . . . . . . . . . . 6-9
Con ten ts v
. . . . . . . Assem bly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11
6.5.8 . . . Rem ovin g/ Replacin g th e Top Case Assem bly . . . . 6-12
6.5.10 . . Rem ovin g/ Replacin g th e IR/ Sou n d Assem bly . . . 6-12
6.5.11 . . Rem ovin g/ Replacin g th e Power Su pply Board . . . 6-13
6.5.13 . . Rem ovin g/ Replacin g th e Main Board . . . . . . . . . . 6-13
A Self Test Error Messages
A.1 . . . . In trodu ction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
B.1 . . . . In trodu ction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1
B.2 . . . . Startin g PC-Doctor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1
B.3 . . . . Keyboard Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2
B.4 . . . . Mou se Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2
B.5.1 . . . On lin e Help (?) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-3
B.5.2 . . . Diagn ostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-3
B.5.3 . . . In teractive Tests Men u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-4
B.5.4 . . . Hardware In fo Men u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-4
B.6 . . . . Qu ittin g PC-Doctor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-6
B.7 . . . . Rem ote Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-6
vi Con ten ts
In t rodu ct ion
Th is m an u al provides in stallation , operation an d servicin g data for th e
Exten sa 57x Series Notebook Com pu ters.
In t en ded Au dien ce
Th is m an u al is prim arily in ten ded for u se by qu alified service tech n ician s
bu t con tain s in form ation u sefu l to n on -tech n ical u sers.
Con t en t s
Th is m an u al con tain s six section s an d referen ce appen dices in clu din g:
Sect ion 1 : Gen eral Descript ion — In trodu ces th e m ain featu res of th e
n otebook; provides a list of ph ysical an d electrical specification s.
Sect ion 2 : In st allat ion — Describes h ow to u n pack, in stall option s an d
cable u p th e n otebook com pu ter in a desktop en viron m en t.
Sect ion 3 : Operat in g In st ru ct ion s — Describes th e n otebook
operatin g con trols an d in dicators an d basic operatin g procedu res.
Sect ion 4 : Th eory of Operat ion — Describes th e th eory of operation
for Exten sa 57x Series Notebook Com pu ters.
Sect ion 5 : Trou blesh oot in g Procedu res — Provides gu idelin es for
perform in g fau lt isolation on th e Exten sa 57x Series Notebook
Com pu ters.
Sect ion 6 : Field Service — Provides preven tive an d corrective
m ain ten an ce procedu res for th e n otebook com pu ter.
Appen dix A: Self Test Error Messages
Appen dix B: PC-Doct or Diagn ost ics
Preface vii
Ot h er Man u als Abou t t h e Syst em
Th e followin g docu m en ts provide addition al in form ation related to th e
Exten sa 57x Series Notebooks:
Ext en sa 5 7 x Series Not ebook Com pu t er User’s Referen ce Man u al,
con tain s referen ce in form ation regardin g th e Exten sa 57x series
Win dows 9 5 Help (on lin e)
PC-Doct or Help an d Tech n ical Referen ce (on lin e)
Orderin g Part s an d Su pplies
To order a copy of an y TI pu blication or to order option kits, spare parts or
su pplies for you r system , con tact you r TI Reseller or:
Teleph on e Toll-free: 1 -8 0 0 -TI TEXAS
viii Preface
Gen eral Descript ion
1 .1
In t rodu ct ion
Th is m an u al con tain s field an d factory level servicin g in form ation for th e
Texas In stru m en ts Exten sa
57x Series of Notebook Com pu ters (Figu re
Th is section provides a gen eral overview an d specification s for th e Exten sa
57x Series Notebook Com pu ters.
Figu re 1 -1 Ext en sa 5 7 xSeries Not ebook Com pu t er
1 .2
Produ ct Models
Table 1-1 su m m arizes th e featu res sh ipped with th e n otebook for th e
produ ct m odels in itially available in th e Exten sa 57x fam ily of n otebook
com pu ters. Th e produ ct m odels offer a ch oice of eith er 11.3 in ch , du al scan
color or 10.4 in ch active m atrix color LCD an d a ch oice of eith er th e basic
Win dows 95 operatin g system or Win dows 95 plu s application software.
Oth er option s in clu de ch oice of 810 m illion byte or 1200 m illion byte h ard
Gen eral Description 1 -1
Table 1 -1 Ext en sa 5 7 x Series Not ebook Com pu t ers
Feat u res
5 7 0 CD
5 7 5 CD 5 7 0 CDT 5 7 5 CDT
11.3" Du al Scan , SVGA
Color LCD
10.4" Active Matrix (TFT),
1.44 MB Floppy Drive
Modu le
CD-ROM Drive Modu le
Win dows 95
Application Software
16-Bit Stereo Sou n d
HDD 810 Million Bytes
HDD 1200 Million Bytes
1 .3
In t er n at ion al Produ ct Version s
Th e Exten sa 57x Series Notebooks are available in dom estic an d
in tern ation al con figu ration s as listed in Table 1-2.
Table 1 -2 Not ebook Dom est ic/ In t ern at ion al Con figu rat ion s
Con figu rat ion
Dom estic
P/ N Su ffix
Con figu rat ion
P/ N Su ffix
Swiss/ Fren ch
Dan ish
Germ an
Fren ch
Fin ish
Span ish
Swiss/ Germ an
Belgiu m
Au strian
Portu gu ese
Western Eu ropean
Latin Am erican
1 -2 Gen eral Description
1 .4
Produ ct Overview
All m em bers of th e Exten sa 57x Series are h igh perform an ce n otebooks
powered by th e Pen tiu m Processor an d Win dows 95 Operatin g System
As a stan dard featu re, all m em bers of th e Exten sa 57x fam ily also con tain
th e followin g featu res:
100 MHz Pen tiu m Processor with 16K In tern al Cach e Mem ory.
8 MB of RAM m em ory stan dard, u ser-expan dable to 40 MB (easy access
via door at bottom of n otebook).
256 KB L2 Cach e.
128 bytes of battery-backed u p CMOS RAM.
High perform an ce PCI (Periph eral Com pon en t In tercon n ect) Bu s
Arch itectu re; PCI Bu s Expan sion port for u se with option al Expan sion
System .
Rem ovable Hard Disk Drive (810 or 1200 m illion byte capacity).
Rem ovable 1.44 MB Floppy Drive (in terch an geable with option al
CD-ROM Drive or Lith iu m -Ion secon dary battery pack).
Two PCMCIA option slots (on e slot accepts on e Type I/ II option an d th e
secon d slot accepts eith er a Type I, II, or III device).
Ergon om ic keyboard with palm rest (2.7 m m travel); bu ilt-in glidepad
poin tin g device an d palm rest below th e keyboard.
Bu ilt-in su pport for a CD-ROM drive (4X or 6X speed).
Bu ilt-in 16-bit stereo sou n d system (in clu din g stereo speakers an d
in tern al m icroph on e)
Rem ovable 3.5 in ch , 1.44 MB Floppy Drive (in terch an geable with
secon d Lith iu m -Ion battery or CD-ROM option ).
Ch oice of LCD displays: 10.4 in ch Active Matrix (TFT), SVGA Color LCD
or 11.3 in ch , du al scan , SVGA color LCD; 1 MB video RAM.
Su pport for in tern al SVGA LCD display on ly, extern al SVGA Mon itor
on ly, or sim u ltan eou s SVGA LCD an d extern al SVGA m on itor.
LCD Statu s Pan el displays icon s to in dicate wh en AC adapter is plu gged
in , power savin gs m ode is on , battery in u se (blin ks if battery is low),
floppy drive in u se, h ard disk activity in dicator, PCMCIA cards in stalled,
CD-ROM drive activity, an d keyboard m odes (e.g.. Nu m Lock, Caps
Lock, Scroll Lock, Pad Lock etc.).
Gen eral Description 1 -3
AC Adapter with au tosen sin g (100 VAC to 240 VAC, 50 to 60 Hz); 36
Watts of DC ou tpu t power.
8.4 Volt, 4200 m AH capacity, Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) prim ary
battery pack.
Provision s for secon dary 10.8 Volt Lith iu m -Ion Battery Pack in Floppy
Drive cavity (if Floppy Drive or CD ROM Player n ot in stalled).
Power m an agem en t featu res for lon ger portable operation away from AC
Fu ll ran ge of extern al ports in clu din g: EPP/ ECP Parallel Port, Serial
Port, Extern al VGA Port, PS/ 2 Port, an d Serial In frared Port. All
Models of th e 57x fam ily in clu de Au dio In / Ou t an d Microph on e In jacks.
Status LCD Display
TFT or Dual Scan Color
Display Assembly
Removable Hard
Disk Drive
Power ON/OFF
Full function Keyboard
Power Input
from AC Adapter
Cover Release Latch
Mouse Select
Mouse Device
Floppy Drive
or Lithium-Ion
Battery Pack
two PCMCIA Type I/II Options
Rear Connector Doors
Audio Connectors
Figu re 1 -2 Ext en sa 5 7 X Series Feat u res
1 -4 Gen eral Description
1 .4 .1
Ext ern al Port s
As sh own in Figu re 1-3, th e n otebook com pu ter con tain s th e followin g
extern al ports:
Serial In frared (SIR) Port for wireless con n ection with a sim ilarly
equ ipped prin ter or com pu ter
9-Pin Serial Port for attach in g an y RS-232 type serial device to th e
15-Pin Extern al VGA Mon itor Port for attach in g an extern al m on itor
6-Pin PS/ 2 Port to attach an extern al Keyboard or Mou se
Au dio In / Ou t an d Extern al Microph on e In pu t
Expan sion Bu s Port for attach in g an extern al expan sion system
PS/2 Port
Connector for
External Expansion
VGA Port
Audio Line
In/Out/Mic In
Figu re 1 -3 Not ebook Ext ern al Port s
Gen eral Description 1 -5
1 .4 .2
Glidepad Poin t in g Device
All m em bers of th e Exten sa 57x fam ily featu re a bu ilt-in glidepad poin tin g
device located n ear th e cen ter of th e keyboard’s palm rest. With ligh t fin ger
pressu re, th e cu rsor can qu ickly be position ed to th e desired poin t; a qu ick
dou ble tap on th e glidepad an d you h ave selected an object. Two select
bu tton s (switch es) are located alon g th e fron t edge of th e n otebook for u se in
th e tradition al select/ drag featu res of a m ou se device.
Select Buttons
Figu re 1 -4 Ext en sa 5 7 X Series Glidepad
1 .4 .3
Th e Exten sa 57x Series Keyboard is a fu ll fu n ction keyboard with th e
stan dard ch aracter an d fu n ction keys plu s 12 program m able fu n ction keys
(F1 th rou gh F12).
Usin g th e Special Fu n ction (Fn ) key wh ich assign s m u ltiple fu n ction s to
keys, th e keyboard can em u late IBM 101/ 102 keyboards.
Th e n otebook keyboard is available in two basic version s:
U.S. En glish - Th is version (also kn own as th e dom estic version ) is
gen erally u sed in th e Un ited States an d Can ada.
U.K. En glish / Cu stom In tern ation al Version - Th is version is adapted
(u sin g appropriate keycap ch an ges) for th e in tern ation al cou n tries listed
in Table 1-2.
1 -6 Gen eral Description
Not e: Th e Extens a Series Notebook Computer User’s Reference Ma nua l con -
tain s description s of keyboard special fu n ction keys.
Prt Sc
F 2
P g D n
E n d
Figu re 1 -5 Ext en sa Keyboard
1 .4 .3 .1
Con t rols an d In dicat ors
Th e Exten sa 57x con tain s a Power Bu tton an d a Statu s LCD ju st above th e
keyboard. All n otebook fu n ction s (except th e power On / Off fu n ction ) are
con trolled by keyboard keys in con ju n ction with th e Fn key.
1 .4 .4
St an dard Power Feat u res
Notebook power for th e Exten sa 57x Series Notebook Com pu ters is provided
by an AC Adapter an d a rech argeable n ickel m etal h ydride (NiMH) battery
pack th at in stalls in a power bay n ear th e fron t of th e n otebook (righ t side).
A secon d lith iu m ion battery m ay option ally be in stalled in th e Floppy Drive
bay wh en th e Floppy Drive is rem oved from th e Notebook.
All m em bers of th e Exten sa 57x fam ily featu re a power m an agem en t
su bsystem (h ardware an d software) th at provides for lon ger portable
operation an d protection of files du rin g low battery con dition s.
Not e: Th e Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) battery requ ires periodic battery con -
dition in g in order to ch arge to fu ll capacity. To accom plish th is, rem ove th e
AC Adapter an d th e secon dary battery pack (if in stalled). Allow th e n otebook
to deep disch arge. Th en , rech arge to fu ll capacity. Th e secon dary battery
pack is a Lith iu m -Ion type th at does n ot requ ire con dition in g.
Gen eral Description 1 -7
1 .4 .5
Wireless Con n ect ion Wit h Serial In frared Port
Th e Exten sa Series n otebooks are equ ipped with a Serial In frared (IR) port
th at offers wireless com m u n ication with a variety of IRDA com plian t
devices m ade by oth er m an u factu rers.
Not e: Prior to com m u n icatin g with an extern al device equ ipped with a serial
in frared in terface, th e appropriate th ird-party drivers m u st be in stalled on
you r n otebook.
1 .4 .6
Preloaded Soft ware
All m em bers of th e Exten sa 57x Notebook fam ily are preloaded with th e
Win dows 95 Operatin g System . In addition , Exten sa 575CD an d 575 CDT
m odels com e stan dard with th e followin g application packages in stalled:
Microsoft Works
Qu icken SE
Lotu s Organ izer
Microsoft En tertain m en t Pack No. 4
1 .4 .7
Not ebook Expan sion Capabilit ies
Expan sion capabilities bu ilt in to th e Exten sa n otebook series in clu de:
User in stallable expan sion RAM m em ory (to a m axim u m of 40 MB)
By rem ovin g th e floppy drive, you can add eith er a secon d battery pack
or CD-ROM Drive.
Cable Con n ect PS/ 2 Nu m eric Keypad option , TI Part No. 2581381-0001,
or oth er PS/ 2 type device (e.g. keyboard or m ou se) can be attach ed to
th e PS/ 2 Port.
A parallel device can be attach ed to th e n otebook’s extern al 25-pin
parallel port (EPP/ ECP com patible).
With on e of th e DockMate desktop expan sion system s in stalled,
addition al expan sion ports are available
1 -8 Gen eral Description
1 .5
St an dard Test Feat u res
Th e Exten sa Series Notebook Com pu ters u se m odu lar design an d bu ilt-in
test featu res to redu ce th e m ean tim e to repair. A power on self test
program au tom atically verifies th e operation al state of th e prim ary circu its.
Also, th e n otebook con tain s a powerfu l su ite of diagn ostic tests called
PC-Doctor, (described in detail in Appen dix B) th at can perform addition al
levels of diagn ostic testin g.
1 .6
Not ebook Assem blies an d
Su bassem blies
Th e Exten sa Series Notebooks are m odu lar in design an d can be
disassem bled for m ain ten an ce pu rposes u sin g a stan dard set of flat-bladed,
Ph illips-h ead an d h exagon al screwdrivers. Th e m ajor assem blies th at
com prise a typical n otebook in th e Exten sa fam ily are sh own in Figu re 1-6
an d briefly described in th e followin g paragraph s.
Gen eral Description 1 -9
Display Assembly
Keyboard Assembly
Status LCD
Glidepad Assembly
Power Supply Board
IR/Sound Board
Display Assembly
Main Board
Display Cable Interface
Inverter Board
Figu re 1 -6 Not ebook Assem blies
1 .6 .1
Cover-Display Assem bly
Th e Cover -Display Assem bly con tain s th e LCD screen an d associated h igh
voltage power su pply an d video circu itry. Th e Cover -Display Assem bly
con tain s several field-replaceable com pon en ts in clu din g:
LCD Assem bly
In verter Board
Hin ge Covers
In tern al cables
1 -1 0 Gen eral Description
1 .6 .2
Syst em Base Assem bly
As sh own in Figu re 1-6, th e m ajority of th e n otebook’s field replaceable
u n its (FRUs) are located in th e system base assem bly. Th ese FRUs in clu de:
Main Board Assem bly
Hard Disk Drive Assem bly
Up to two Du al In lin e Mem ory Modu les
LCD Statu s Assem bly
Floppy Drive Modu le
IR/ Sou n d Board Assem bly
Power Su pply Board Assem bly
Battery Pack Assem bly
Top Case Assem bly
Glidepad Assem bly
Keyboard Assem bly
CMOS Battery Assem bly
HDD Con n ector Board Assem bly
1 .7
Ext en sa 5 7 x Series Not ebook
Specificat ion s
Specification s for th e Exten sa 57x Series Notebooks are provided in Table
Gen eral Description 1 -1 1
Table 1 -3 Ext en sa 5 7 x Not ebook Feat u res
Models 5 7 0 CD/ 5 7 5 CD
5 7 0 CDT/ 5 7 5 CDT
Specificat ion s
Pen tiu m 100 MHz
8 MB
Pen tiu m 100 MHz
Mem ory:
St an dard:
8 MB
Maxim u m :
Cach e:
40 MB
256 KB L2 Cach e
40 MB
256 KB L2 Cach e
LCD Type:
11.3 in ch , SVGA, Du al
Scan Color
10.4 in ch , SVGA, Du al
Scan Color/ Active
Matrix Color
Sim u lt an eou s
Video RAM Size:
Video Bu s
1 MB
1 MB
PCI Bu s with Graph ics
PCI Bu s with Graph ics
Keyboard/ Poin t in g
Ergon om ic Keyboard
Bu ilt -In Glidepad
St orage
Floppy Drive
Modu le:
3.5 in ch , 1.44 MB
3.5 in ch , 1.44 MB
Hard Drive:
810 Million Bytes
4X or 6X Speed
1200 Million Bytes
4X or 6X Speed
CD-ROM Drive
In t erfaces
Serial (RS-2 3 2 ) Port
Parallel Port
Ext ern al VGA Port
Ext ern al PS/ 2 Port
Serial In frared Port
Expan sion Bu s
PCI, su pports Port
Replicator option
PCI, su pports Port
Replicator option
1 -1 2 Gen eral Description
5 7 0 CDT/ 5 7 5 CDT
Specificat ion s
Bat t ery Pack
Models 5 7 0 CD/ 5 7 5 CD
Nickel-Metal Hydride,
option al Lith iu m -Ion
secon dary battery pack
Nickel-Metal Hydride,
option al Lith iu m -Ion
secon dary battery pack
Sou n d Feat u res
16-bit Stereo Sou n d, Au dio
in / ou t an d Microph on e In
jacks, bu ilt in stereo
16-bit Stereo Sou n d,
Au dio in / ou t an d
Microph on e In jacks,
bu ilt in stereo speakers
an d m icroph on e
speakers an d m icroph on e
PCMCIA Su pport
Win dows 9 5
Type I/ II, or III (Option al)
Type I/ II, or III (Option al)
Win dows for
Work grou ps
Yes (Model 570CD on ly)
Yes (Model 570CDT on ly)
Ph ysical
Ch aract erist ics
Weigh t :
Approx. 6.2 Pou n ds*
Approx. 6.2 Pou n ds*
Dim en sion s:
11.7” (L) X 1.7” (H) X 8.2”
11.7” (L) X 1.7” (H) X 8.2”
*NOTE: On ly on e m odu le (Floppy Drive, CD-ROM or secon d Battery) m ay be
in stalled in th e n otebook at an y given tim e.
NOTE: Weigh t specification s do n ot in clu de Floppy Drive, CD-ROM drive, AC
Adapter or secon d battery option .
1 .8
Agen cy Approvals
All Exten sa 57x Series produ cts m eet th e followin g stan dards:
Un derwriter’s Lab (UL) Stan dard 1950 (safety)
Can adian Stan dards Association (CSA) Stan dard 220 (safety)
FCC CFR 47, Part 15, Su bpart J , FCC Level B (EMI)
Can adian Departm en t of Com m u n ication s (DOC) Certification
VDE 0871, Class B (EMI)
CE Mark
Gen eral Description 1 -1 3
In st allat ion
2 .1
In t rodu ct ion
Th is section con tain s u n packin g an d preparation for u se in stru ction s for
th e Exten sa 57x Series Notebook Com pu ters.
2 .2
Un pack in g In st ru ct ion s
Un pack th e com pu ter u sin g th e followin g in stru ction s:
1 .
2 .
Carefu lly cu t th e tape th at seals th e top flap of th e sh ippin g carton .
Rem ove th e com pu ter an d th e accessories from th e m ain sh ippin g
carton .
3 .
4 .
Rem ove all protective coverin gs from th e com pu ter.
Rem ove th e h oldin g tape an d open u p th e accessory box; rem ove th e
con ten ts.
Not e: Save th e sh ippin g con tain ers an d packagin g for later reu se.
2 .3
In st allin g Not ebook Opt ion s
If you h ave n o option s to in stall at th is tim e, skip to Paragraph 2.4.
Oth erwise, con tin u e with Paragraph 2.3.1.
2 .3 .1
In st allin g Expan sion Mem ory Modu les
Not e: If n ot in stallin g RAM Expan sion option at th is tim e, skip to th e n ext
paragraph .
Cau t ion : Th e Du al In lin e Mem ory Modu le con t ain s com pon en t s t h at
are sen sit ive t o st at ic elect ricit y. Wh en h an dlin g t h e m odu le an d t h e in -
t ern al part s of t h e com pu t er, prot ect again st st at ic elect ricit y by u sin g
wrist or an k le grou n din g st raps an d grou n ded work in g m at s. Wh en m ov-
in g or st orin g it em s, u se t h e an t i-st at ic bags su pplied wit h t h e it em s.
In stallation 2 -1
4 .
En su re th at th e n otebook is powered off an d th at th e AC Adapter an d
in tern al battery pack(s) is (are) rem oved from th e n otebook.
Rem ove th e Expan sion RAM Modu le (Du al In lin e Mem ory Modu le or
DIMM) from its sh ippin g con tain er.
Tu rn th e Notebook over an d locate th e RAM Access Door (h eld in
place by two screws).
Rem ove th e two Ph illips-h ead screws th at h old th e RAM access door
an d rem ove th e door.
In sert th e edge of th e first DIMM Board in to th e rear of eith er available
con n ector . Use a rockin g m otion an d in sert th e board at an an gle to
th e su rface of th e Main Board. Fu lly in sert th e m odu le. Pu sh
down wards on each side of th e DIMM m odu le u n til it sn aps in place.
Repeat th e procedu re for th e secon d m odu le.
Replace th e RAM Access Door an d all com pon en ts rem oved in Step 1.
Th is com pletes th e expan sion m em ory m odu le in stallation procedu re.
2 .3 .2
In st allin g PCMCIA Opt ion s
Th e Notebook h as provision s for two Type I or II option s or on e Type III
PCMCIA option card.
Review th e in stallation in stru ction s su pplied with th e PCMCIA option
Open th e PCMCIA com partm en t cover on th e righ t side of th e
n otebook.
To in sert a PCMCIA card, align th e card with th e socket an d slide th e
card in to th e socket u n til it locks in to place.
To eject a PCMCIA card, first en su re th at th e n otebook is n ot
accessin g th e m em ory card or device. Un der Win dows 95, go to th e
Con trol Pan el, PC Card selection an d direct th e card to stop before
rem ovin g card.
2 .3 .3
In st allin g t h e Opt ion al Nu m eric Keypad
An option al n u m eric keyboard can be attach ed to th e n otebook via th e
n otebook’s PS/ 2 con n ector (refer to Figu re 2-2).
2 .4 In st allin g t h e Bat t ery Pack (s)
Th e Exten sa Notebook is sh ipped with a sin gle battery pack th at is in serted
from th e fron t left side of th e com pu ter. A secon d battery pack (option ) can
2 -2 In stallation
be in stalled in th e rem ovable Floppy/ CD-ROM bay. Two switch es th at u sed
to rem ove devices from th e option bay are ph ysically located on th e bottom
of th e Notebook. Th e left-m ost switch con trols rem oval of th e Prim ary
Battery Pack an d th e righ t-m ost switch con trols rem oval of th e device
in stalled in th e Floppy/ CD-ROM/ Secon dary Battery bay.
To rem ove or replace th e battery pack, follow th e steps below.
Sa ve a ny d a ta , th en Power off th e n otebook. Discon n ect th e AC
adapter if in stalled.
Tu rn th e n otebook over an d press th e battery release switch wh ile
pressin g ou twards on th e prim ary battery pack. Rem ove th e battery
from th e Notebook.
In sert a n ew or rech arged battery pack in to th e battery com partm en t
bay. Make su re th at th e con tacts are facin g u p an d to th e rear of th e
com partm en t.
Cau t ion : Th ere is dan ger of explosion if t h e bat t ery is in correct ly re-
placed. Replace t h e bat t ery on ly wit h t h e sam e or an equ ivalen t t ype
recom m en ded by t h e m an u fact u rer. Discard u sed bat t eries accordin g t o
t h e m an u fact u rer’s in st ru ct ion s.
4 .
If in stallin g a secon dary battery pack, in sert th e battery pack in to th e
fron t righ t side of th e n otebook u n til th e battery pack clicks in place.
2 .5
In st allin g Ext er n al Devices
Most extern al devices con n ect to th e Notebook via th e con n ectors on th e
rear of th e n otebook as sh own in Figu re 2-1. Addition al con n ectivity can be
obtain ed by in stallin g an option al Port Expan der to th e Notebook’s PCI
Expan sion Bu s.
In stallation 2 -3
PS/2 Port
Connector for
External Expansion
VGA Port
Audio Line
In/Out/Mic In
Figu re 2 -1 I/ O Con n ect or Locat ion s
2 .5 .1
In st allin g an Ext ern al Keyboard/ Mou se
As sh own in Figu re 2-2, th e n otebook h as on e extern al PS/ 2 port on th e
rear of th e Notebook for in stallin g a PS/ 2 com patible device (keyboard,
m ou se, etc.). Addition al PS/ 2 devices m ay be in stalled u sin g th e Port
Expan der option . Pin ou ts for th e PS/ 2 port on th e rear of th e Notebook are
also provided in Figu re 2-2.
2 -4 In stallation
Figu re 2 -2 PS/ 2 Port Assign m en t s/ Pin ou t s
To in stall an extern al keyboard or extern al PS/ 2 m ou se on th e n otebook,
u se th e followin g procedu re:
En su re th at th e n otebook is powered off.
Locate th e extern al PS/ 2 port at th e rear of th e n otebook (refer to
Figu re 2-2).
Attach th e PS/ 2 cable from you r m ou se an d/ or keyboard cable to th e
PS/ 2 port.
Power on an y oth er periph eral devices you m ay h ave con n ected to th e
n otebook, an d th en power u p th e n otebook.
In stallation 2 -5
2 .5 .2
In st allin g Ext ern al Parallel Prin t er
Th e Notebook is equ ipped with a bidirection al, ECC/ EPP com patible, 25-pin
parallel prin ter port. Th e con n ector pin ou ts an d con n ector location are
sh own in Figu re 2-3.
11 10
24 23
Figu re 2 -3 Parallel Port Locat ion / Pin ou t s
2 -6 In stallation
2 .5 .3
In st allin g Ext ern al Serial Port Device
Th e n otebook con tain s an RS-232 serial port with a m ale DB-9 con n ector as
sh own in Figu re 2-4. Th e serial ports are u sed to in tercon n ect su ch devices
Extern al Modem
Serial Prin ter
An y device th at u ses an RS-232 in terface
To con n ect a prin ter to th e n otebook, en su re th at both th e n otebook an d th e
prin ter are tu rn ed off.
Cau t ion : Never con n ect a parallel device t o a serial port or a serial de-
vice t o a parallel port or video port ; t h is m ay cau se dam age t o t h e Not e-
book an d/ or periph eral device. If you are u n cert ain of wh at t ype
con n ect or t h e ext ern al device h as, refer t o t h e t ech n ical m an u al for
t h e ext ern al device.
Figu re 2 -4 Serial Port Locat ion / Pin ou t s
In stallation 2 -7
2 .5 .4
In st allin g Ext ern al SVGA Mon it or
Th e n otebook is capable of drivin g both its in tern al LCD display an d an
extern al SVGA m on itor (LCD on ly, sim u ltan eou s, or SVGA on ly). Th e
extern al m on itor con n ector pin ou ts an d con n ector location s are sh own in
Figu re 2-5. To in stall an extern al m on itor with th e n otebook, u se th e
followin g steps:
En su re th at both th e n otebook an d th e extern al m on itor are tu rn ed
Locate th e 15-pin fem ale SVGA port on th e Port Adapter.
Attach th e appropriate en d of th e m on itor cable to th e SVGA port on
you r n otebook. If th e m on itor cable con n ectors h ave retain in g screws,
tigh ten th em down .
If n ecessary, con n ect th e m on itor power cable to th e m on itor, an d
plu g th e m on itor power cable in to an electrical ou tlet.
Power on th e m on itor, as well as an y oth er periph eral devices
con n ected to th e n otebook; th en power u p th e n otebook.
12 11
11, 12 NOT USED
Figu re 2 -5 Con n ect in g an Ext ern al SVGA Mon it or
2 -8 In stallation
2 .5 .5
In st allin g SIR Devices
Th e Serial In frared (IR) port offers wireless com m u n ication with a variety of
IRDA-com plian t devices m ade by oth er m an u factu rers. En su re th at th e
th ird-party m an u factu rer su pplies you with th e appropriate IR drivers
before attem ptin g con n ection . As sh own in Figu re 2-6, th e Notebook SIR
port is located ju st above th e serial port con n ector on th e rear of th e
n otebook. Align th is port with th e SIR port on a prin ter, n otebook or oth er
device equ ipped with an SIR port.
Figu re 2 -6 Com m u n icat in g wit h SIR-Equ ipped Devices
In stallation 2 -9
2 .6 In st allin g t h e AC Power Adapt er
Use th e followin g procedu res to con n ect th e AC Adapter to th e system :
Cau t ion : Use on ly t h e AC Adapt er su pplied wit h t h e com pu t er; ot h er
adapt ers can dam age t h e u n it .
1 .
Rem ove th e AC adapter from th e packagin g. Con n ect th e rou n d coaxial
con n ector on th e AC Adapter to th e power receptacle on th e left side
(rear corn er) of th e n otebook as sh own in Figu re 2-7.
Con n ect th e fem ale side of th e AC Power cord to th e AC Adapter an d
con n ect th e m ale en d to a grou n ded AC ou tlet.
AC Power
(120VAC to 230 VAC,
50 to 60 Hz)
AC Adapter
Figu re 2 -7 AC Adapt er In st allat ion
2 .7
In it ial Syst em Ch eck ou t
After you ’ve in stalled all in tern al option s an d extern al cablin g, you ’re ready
for system ch eckou t an d software con figu ration .
To ch eck ou t th e system , set th e power switch on th e n otebook to th e On
position wh ich in itiates th e n otebook self test. Du rin g self test execu tion ,
th e com pu ter ch ecks th e operation of all critical h ardware in clu din g
m em ory an d CPU (an d displays copyrigh t an d version n u m ber data du rin g
test execu tion ).
2 -1 0 In stallation
Upon su ccessfu l con clu sion of self test, th e com pu ter au tom atically loads its
operatin g system an d Win dows en viron m en t. If self test fails to com plete
an d an error m essage is displayed, try powerin g down th e com pu ter for a
cou ple of m in u tes an d tu rn in g power back on to repeat self test. If th e error
m essage persists, see Section 5 for trou blesh ootin g in form ation (also refer to
Appen dix A for self test error m essage description s).
2 .8
Con figu rin g t h e Syst em
Th e first tim e you power u p th e n otebook, it au tom atically ru n s th e Setu p
Program wh ich prom pts you for cou n try n am e an d prin ter type. You exit
Win dows an d th e n otebook begin s u n zippin g files an d preparin g th e
software for u se. After in itial in stallation , an d th e tim eou t occu rs, th e dem o
m ay begin . To stop th e dem o, m ove th e cu rsor to th e cen ter of th e screen
an d click th e left m ou se bu tton . A n u m ber of dem o option s are th en
2 .9
Mak in g Back u ps of Syst em Soft ware
Th e Notebook is preloaded with Win dows 95 operatin g system software.
Prior to exten ded u se of th e n otebook, create a backu p set of system
software u sin g th e Backu p Utility u n der Win dows 95. In th e even t of a disk
problem , you can restore you r system u sin g th e Restore Utility an d th e set
of backu p diskettes you ’ve ju st created.
2 .1 0 Loadin g Applicat ion Soft ware
For assistan ce in loadin g Application Software, refer to Ch apter 5 in th e
Extensa Series Notebook Computer Us er’s Reference Ma nua l.
In stallation 2 -1 1
Operat in g In st ru ct ion s
3 .1
In t rodu ct ion
Th is section describes th e Exten sa 57x Series Notebook operatin g con trols
an d in dicators.
Not e: For addition al operatin g in stru ction s, refer to th e Extens a 57x Series
Notebook Computer Users Guide.
3 .2
Not ebook Con t rols an d In dicat ors
Th e Exten sa Series Notebooks are equ ipped with th e followin g con trols an d
in dicators:
Altern ate action Power Bu tton in th e u pper left corn er above th e
Statu s LCD cen tered above th e keyboard - ICONs are u sed to con vey
statu s in form ation (refer to Figu re 3-1)
Em bedded special fu n ction keys in th e keyboard (in clu din g Con trast
an d Brigh tn ess Con trol) are activated by th e Fn key
Status LCD Display
Mouse Select
Figu re 3 -1 Ext en sa Series Con t rols an d In dicat ors
Operatin g In stru ction s 3 -1
3 .2 .1
LCD Con t rast Con t rol
Th e TFT version of th e n otebook con tain s n o operatin g con trols or
in dicators. Use th e fu n ction keys to adju st th e con trast an d brigh tn ess. TFT
version s are u n affected by con trast "key" adju stm en ts.
3 .2 .2
Bu t t on Swit ch es
Th e n otebook con tain s on e bu tton switch above th e keyboard: th e Power
On / Off Switch . Th is bu tton is an altern ate action type switch th at con trols
power to th e u n it. Pressin g th e Power bu tton cau ses power to be applied to
th e n otebook, power u p self test to be ru n an d Win dows 95 to be loaded.
Wh en th e Power bu tton is pressed again , th e Notebook powers down an d all
data in RAM m em ory is lost.
3 .2 .3
Cover Release Lat ch
Th e Notebook con tain s a Cover Release latch n ear th e cen ter of th e top
cover. To open th e n otebook, lift u p on th e release m ech an ism alon g th e
fron t edge of th e n otebook.
3 .2 .4
Glidepad Con t rols
Th e Exten sa 57x Series Notebook Com pu ters are equ ipped with a bu ilt-in
m ou se device called th e glidepad ph ysically located at th e base of th e
keyboard (refer to Figu re 3-1).
Th e cu rsor is position ed by tou ch in g an d draggin g you r fin ger in th e
direction you wan t th e cu rsor to go. Th e select fu n ction s are perform ed
eith er by tappin g th e glidepad or by pressin g th e two bu tton s (switch es) at
th e bottom of th e keyboard.
You can ch an ge th e operation of th e pad by ch an gin g valu es in th e m ou se
section of th e Win dows 95 Con trol Pan el. On ce you r cu rsor is in th e proper
place an d you wan t to select, u se th e left bu tton to click or dou ble-click ju st
as you wou ld with a m ou se.
3 .3 Operat in g Procedu res
Som e of th e operatin g featu res u sefu l for n otebook m ain ten an ce are
provided in th e followin g paragraph s. For addition al operatin g in stru ction s,
refer to th e Extens a 57X Series Notebook Computer Us er’s Ma nua l.
3 .3 .1
Floppy Drive Operat in g Procedu res
To avoid dam agin g th e floppy drive, an d to protect data, take th e followin g
precau tion s:
Never tu rn off or reset th e n otebook wh ile th e floppy activity in dicator is
Keep th e AC adapter at least 6 in ch es away from you r drive.
3 -2 Operatin g In stru ction s
In sert th e floppy in to th e floppy drive slot with th e label side u p an d th e
m etal-sh u tter en d first. Gen tly pu sh th e floppy in to th e floppy drive slot
u n til th e floppy clicks in to place.
To rem ove a floppy diskette, press th e eject bu tton u n til th e floppy pops
ou t.
Never force open th e access sh u tter on a floppy.
Always rem ove a floppy from th e floppy drive before tu rn in g off th e
com pu ter.
Never tran sport th e com pu ter with a floppy in th e floppy drive. Doin g so
can dam age th e drive h ead.
If a floppy appears to be dam aged, try to m ake a copy of it, an d
im m ediately discard it.
Keep all floppies wh en n ot in u se in a disk storage box to protect th em
from dam age or loss.
Operatin g In stru ction s 3 -3
3 .3 .2
In st allin g/ Rem ovin g PCMCIA Opt ion s
PCMCIA cards are in serted an d ejected in m u ch th e sam e way as diskettes:
Up to two Type I or Type II PCMCIA option s m ay be in stalled in th e
com partm en t on th e righ t side of th e n otebook. On e Type III Option m ay
be in stalled in th e lower slot.
To in sert a PCMCIA card, align th e card with th e socket an d slide th e
card in to th e socket u n til it locks in to place. To in stall a Type III option ,
you m u st rem ove th e Floppy Drive.
To eject a PCMCIA card, go to th e Win dows 95 Con trol Pan el, select PC
Card an d select th e card to stop; th en press th e release bu tton an d
rem ove th e PCMCIA option .
3 .3 .3
Com pu t er Hot Keys
Refer to th e User’s Gu ide sh ipped with th e n otebook for a description of
th e recogn ized h ot keys.
3 .3 .4
Respon din g t o Low Bat t ery Con dit ion s
Th e com pu ter gen erally will n otify you wh en you are reach in g a low battery
con dition by perform in g th e followin g action s:
On e beep every 10 secon ds (u n less battery warn in g is disabled)
Th e battery low warn in g is au tom atically disabled wh en th e AC Adapter
is in stalled on th e n otebook regardless of th e ch arge con dition of th e
battery pack.
If th e AC adapter is n ot plu gged in with in th ree m in u tes of a detected
battery low con dition , th e n otebook en ters Stan dby m ode.
Th e Notebook retu rn s to th e n orm al operatin g m ode wh en th e power
switch is activated. Un it th en recovers RAM in form ation from th e h ard
drive an d restores u n it to previou s "On " con dition .
3 .3 .5
Min im izin g Power Usage
Th e followin g action s can m in im ize power u sage an d protect you r work
du rin g th e critical m in u tes before you sh u t th e system down or replace on e
of th e battery packs with a fu lly ch arged pack:
Press Ct rl-St an dby to sh u t off th e alarm (if it’s en abled)
Save RAM Disk (if u sin g RAM Disk featu re)
Power down th e system if you do n ot n eed th e com pu ter
3 -4 Operatin g In stru ction s
3 .3 .6
Rech argin g t h e Bat t ery Pack s
A stan dalon e battery ch arger option is available to ch arge n otebook battery
packs. Th e battery packs m ay also be ch arged in th e n otebook as follows:
In stall th e battery pack(s) in you r com pu ter (if n ot already in stalled).
Con n ect th e AC Adapter as described in Section 2.
To fu lly ch arge th e battery pack, leave it ch argin g in th e Notebook for
at least an oth er 90 m in u tes.
4 .
Periodically recon dition th e prim ary battery (Nickel Metal Hydride) as
described in Paragraph 3.3.7.
3 .3 .7
Con dit ion in g t h e Prim ary Bat t ery
Th e prim ary battery pack is a Nickel-Metal Hydride type th at requ ires
periodic deep disch arge an d rech arge in order to accept a fu ll ch arge
(approxim ately every 5 or 6 ch arge/ rech arge cycles). To con dition th e m ain
battery, u se th e followin g procedu re:
Rem ove th e secon dary battery (if in stalled in th e Floppy Drive bay)
an d AC Adapter (if in stalled).
Power u p th e com pu ter an d leave it on u n til th e prim ary battery is
com pletely disch arged; th en recon n ect th e AC adapter an d fu lly
ch arge th e battery. Rein stall th e secon dary battery in th e Floppy Bay
(if u sin g a secon dary battery pack).
3 .3 .8
Rest orin g Missin g Syst em Files
Wh en you power u p th e Notebook, it au tom atically ch ecks for certain key
files th at m u st be presen t for n orm al system operation . If an y of th ese files
are acciden tally erased, as in dicated by error m essage, in sert th e
Window s95 Sta rtup dis kette an d reboot th e system . Th is will allow you to
boot u p an d trou blesh oot you r system .
3 .3 .9
Rebu ildin g t h e Syst em Soft ware
In th e even t of a h ard drive replacem en t or system board replacem en t wh ich
resu lted in loss of system software, you m ay n eed to rebu ild th e en tire
system software stru ctu re.
Th e followin g item s are requ ired to rebu ild th e system software:
Set of backu p diskettes of th e system software
Operation al Notebook
In sert th e Windows 95 Sta rtup diskette in th e Notebook’s floppy drive an d
power u p th e system .
Operatin g In stru ction s 3 -5
Not e: For addition al operatin g procedu res, refer to to th e Extensa 500 Series
Notebook Computer User’s Ma nua l, Texas In stru m en ts Part No.
3 -6 Operatin g In stru ction s
Th eory of Operat ion
4 .1
In t rodu ct ion
Th is section describes th e n otebook th eory of operation .
4 .2
Not ebook Fu n ct ion al Descript ion
Fu n ction ally, th e n otebook com pu ter con sists of th e followin g m ajor
su bsystem s:
Processor an d Mem ory Su bsystem
I/ O Su bsystem
Video Su bsystem
Hard Disk Su bsystem
Floppy Disk Su bsystem
CD-ROM Su bsystem
PCMCIA Su bsystem
Sou n d Su bsystem
Serial In frared Su bsystem
Power Su bsystem
A fu n ction al block diagram of th e Exten sa 57x Series Notebook is sh own in
Figu re 4-1.
4 .2 .1
Processor/ Mem ory Su bsyst em s
Th e Processor fu n ction , h ou sed on th e Main Board, is im plem en ted with th e
In tel Pen tiu m Processor (P54C/ LM). Th e processor operates in
con ju n ction with RAM an d ROM Mem ory on th e Mem ory Board an d oth er
con trol logic on th e Main Board to process software in stru ction s (BIOS,
Win dows 95, an d Application s).
Prim ary con trol for th e Processor/ Mem ory su bsystem is im plem en ted with
th e Pen tiu m Ch ipset (Opti Viper 82C556/ 82C557).
Th e m em ory su bsystem , im plem en ted on th e Mem ory Board an d option al
Du al In lin e Mem ory Modu les, provides 8 MB (expan dable to 40 MB) of fast
Th eory of Operation 4 -1
DRAM m em ory, 128 bytes of CMOS RAM (battery backed u p) an d 256 KB of
Flash ROM for system an d video BIOS storage.
Th e basic 8 MB m em ory system can be expan ded to a m axim u m of 40 MB
by th e addition of two DIMM m em ory m odu les (refer to Section 6 for
in stallation details).
Tables 4-1 th rou gh 4-3 con tain th e Notebook I/ O address m ap, DMA
ch an n el assign m en ts an d IRQ in terru pt level assign m en ts respectively.
PCMCIA Option Slot(s)
PCMCIA Adapter
Expansion Bus
CPU Data
Super I/O
CPU Address
(2 Bank)
SIMM Memory
Audio IN/OUT
Mic In
1 MB
Video RAM
Input From
AC Adapter
Battery Packs
640 X 480
Figu re 4 -1 Not ebook Fu n ct ion al Block Diagram
4 -2 Th eory of Operation
Table 4 -1 Ext en sa Series I/ O Address Map
Address Ran ge
178, 17A
3F6, 3F7
35F, 36F
378, 37A
DMA Con troller 1
In terru pt Con troller 1
M1429 Registers
Tim er 1
Keyboard Con troller 8742 Ch ip Select
Real Tim e Clock an d NMI Mask
DMA Page Register
In terru pt Con troller 2
DMA Con troller 2
Hard Disk Select
6377 Registers
Hard Disk Select
Parallel Port 3
Special I/ O Ports
Parallel Port 2
Parallel Port 1
Video DAC
En h an ced Graph ics Display
Color Graph ics Adapter
PCMCIA Con troller
Floppy Disk Con troller
Serial Port 1
Th eory of Operation 4 -3
Table 4 -2 DMA Ch an n els
Con t roller
Ch an n el
Fu n ct ion
Table 4 -3 IRQ In t erru pt Levels
Priorit y
In t erru pt
Nu m ber
In t erru pt Sou rce
Power m an agem en t u n it
Parity Error Detected, I/ O Ch an n el Error
In terval Tim er, Cou n ter 0 Ou tpu t
In terru pt from con troller 2 (cascade)
Real Tim e Clock
IRQ 11
IRQ 12
Cascaded to INT 0AH (IRQ 2)
PS/ 2 Mou se
INT from Coprocessor
Hard Disk Con troller
Serial Com m Port 2
Serial Com m Port 1
Diskette Con troller
4 -4 Th eory of Operation
Priorit y
In t erru pt
Nu m ber
In t erru pt Sou rce
Parallel Port
Not e: A PCMCIA card can u se IRQ 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 an d 11 as lon g as it does n ot
con flict with th e in terru pt address of an y oth er device.
4 .2 .2
I/ O Su bsyst em
Th e I/ O su bsystem , im plem en ted with an SMC37C655IR Su per I/ O
Con troller Ch ip, provides for su ch fu n ction s as in tern al floppy drive con trol,
serial an d parallel ports an d su pport for th e Serial In frared port. Th e Su per
I/ O Con troller in clu des th e followin g featu res:
100 percen t com patible with ISA, EISA, an d m icro-ch an n el arch itectu res
Bu ilt-in floppy disk con troller
Software com patible with th e PC16550A an d PC16450
MIDI com patible
In frared su pport on UART2 (IRDA-com plian t)
Bidirection al Parallel Port
En h an ced Parallel Port (EPP) com patible
Exten ded Capabilities Port (ECP) com patible, in clu din g level 2
su pport
Bidirection al u n der eith er software or h ardware con trol
Com patbile with ISA, EISA, an d Micro Ch an n el arch itectu res
Ability to m u ltiplex FDC sign als on parallel port pin s for
extern al FDD
In clu des protection circu it again st dam age cau sed wh en
prin ter is powered u p, or operated at h igh er voltages
In tegral address decoder- provides selection of all prim ary an d
secon dary ISA addresses in clu din g COM1-4 an d LPT1-3.
En h an ced Power Man agem en t Fu n ction
En h an ced program m able power -down an d wake-u p m odes
Th eory of Operation 4 -5
Au to power -down an d wake-u p m odes
Typical cu rren t con su m ption du rin g power -down is less th an
4 .2 .3
Video Su bsyst em
Th e video su bsystem , im plem en ted on th e Main Board an d on th e LCD
Display Un it, displays text, graph ics an d drives an extern al SVGA port. Th e
video su bsystem is im plem en ted with a Cirru s Logic CL-GD 7543 h igh
perform an ce VGA con troller an d su pportin g logic an d video RAM (1 MB).
Th e m ajor featu res of th e VGA con troller in clu de:
High ly in tegrated design (flat pan el / CRT VGA con troller, RAMDAC,
clock syn th esizer)
Mu ltiple Bu s Arch itectu re In tegrated In terface
Local Bu s (32-bit CPU Direct an d VL)
EISA/ ISA (PC/ AT ) 16-bit Bu s
In tegrated program m able lin ear address featu re accelerates GUI
perform an ce
Su pports pan el resolu tion s u p to 1280 X 1024 resolu tion in clu din g 800
X 600 an d 1024 X 768
SMARTMAP in telligen t color to gray scale con version en h an ces text
Text en h an cem en t featu re im proves wh ite text con trast on flat pan el
Fu lly Com patible with IBM SVGA
4 .2 .3 .1
Ext ern al SVGA Drive Capabilit y
Th e Exten sa 57Xcon tain s an extern al SVGA port (15-pin , fem ale, D-type
con n ector) wh ich can be u sed to drive an extern al CRT (stan dard SVGA
m odes with resolu tion s of 800 X 600 X 256, or 640 X 480 X 256).
4 .2 .4
Hard Disk Su bsyst em
Th e Hard Disk Su bsystem , con trolled by th e IDE in terface com patible
82C558N IPC ch ip, provides disk storage for all system software an d u ser
files. In itially, th e 57X Series Notebooks are equ ipped with a rem ovable 810
or 1200 Million Byte h ard drive.
Du rin g th e m an u factu rin g process, Texas In stru m en ts form ats th e h ard
disk an d th en loads all su pplied software in clu din g Win dows 95.
4 -6 Th eory of Operation
Cau t ion : Form at t in g t h e disk drive erases an y dat a t h at m ay be st ored
on t h e disk . Th erefore do n ot at t em pt a form at of t h e h ard disk u n less
t h e com pu t er self t est an d diagn ost ics con firm t h at t h e disk h as n ot
been form at t ed.
A Hard Drive activity ICON is located on th e Statu s LED ben eath th e
Display Assem bly. Th is ICON is visible du rin g h ard driver read/ write
Cau t ion : Th e n ot ebook sh ou ld n ot be m oved wh en t h e HDD ICON is lit
t o preven t acciden t al dam age t o t h e h ard drive.
4 .2 .5
Floppy Disk et t e Drive Su bsyst em
Th e Floppy Diskette Drive Su bsystem con sists of a Floppy Con troller (part of
th e Su per I/ O Ch ip, SMC37C655IR) an d th e rem ovable Floppy Diskette
Drive. Th e Floppy Diskette Drive can read/ write stan dard 3.5-in ch
m in idiskettes. Th e floppy drive in stalls in th e Media Bay an d can be
rem oved to in stall a CD-ROM drive or a secon d battery pack (Lith iu m Ion ).
4 .2 .6
CD-ROM Su bsyst em
Man y of th e Exten sa 57x m odels are equ ipped with a rem ovable 5.25 in ch ,
CD-ROM drive (4X or 6X speeds). Th e drive u ses th e stan dard ATAPI
in terface.
Th e CD-ROM su bsystem is con trolled by th e IPC (wh ich also con trols th e
h ard drive su bsystem ).
4 .2 .7
PCMCIA Su bsyst em
Th e n otebook is equ ipped with an on -board PCMCIA h ost adapter
(UM8366F) PCMCIA Con troller) an d sockets to su pport Type I, II, or III
option s. Th e PCMCIA Con troller h as th e followin g featu res:
Sin gle-ch ip PCMCIA h ost adapters
Direct con n ection to ISA (PC AT) Bu s
Direct con n ection to PCMCIA 2.0 Bu s
PCMCIA 2.0- an d J EIDA 4.1-com plian t
82365SL-com patible register set, ExCA-com patible
Au tom atic Low-power Dyn am ic Mode for lowest power con su m ption
Program m able Su spen d Mode
Five program m able m em ory win dows per socket
Th eory of Operation 4 -7
Two I/ O win dows per socket
Program m able card access cycle tim in g
8- or 16-bit CPU in terface
8- or 16-bit PCMCIA in terface su pport
ATA disk in terface su pport
Au tom atic flash m em ory tim in g su pport
Easy h ost in terface u sin g ISA I/ O addresses 03E0h , 03E1h
Mixed-voltage (3.3V or 5V) operation
Du al-socket-in terface, 208-pin QFP
4 .2 .8
Sou n d Su bsyst em (Model Depen den t )
Som e m odels of th e Exten sa 57x Series n otebooks are equ ipped with a
16-bit stereo sou n d system in clu din g:
Bu ilt-in m icroph on e an d stereo speakers
Stereo lin e in pu t (5-pin jack, DIP)
Stereo Lin e Ou tpu t (5-pin jack, DIP)
Extern al m icroph on e in pu t (5-pin jack, DIP)
Au dio ch ipset
Th e sou n d su bsystem is ph ysically im plem en ted on th e IR/ Sou n d Board.
4 .2 .9
Power Su bsyst em
Th e Power Su bsystem con sists of th e followin g m ajor parts:
Power Man agem en t (h ardware an d software com pon en ts)
AC Adapter
Power Su pply Board
Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Battery Pack
Option al Secon dary Battery Pack (Lith iu m Ion ) if n ot u sin g th e Media
Bay for a floppy drive or CD-ROM Drive
4 .2 .9 .1
Power Man agem en t
Th e n otebook is equ ipped with a power m an agem en t fu n ction th at
m in im izes battery u sage for prolon ged battery operation an d au tom atically
rech arges th e batteries wh en th e n otebook is u sed with an AC adapter.
4 -8 Th eory of Operation
Th e power m an agem en t m odes an d warn in gs in clu de th e followin g:
LCD stan dby m ode
Hard disk/ CD-ROM stan dby m ode
System stan dby/ su spen d m ode
Battery-low warn in g
Stan dby/ su spen d u pon battery low
4 .2 .9 .2
AC Adapt er
Th e n otebook u ses an AC adapter with bu ilt in over voltage an d sh ort circu it
protection .
Th e adapter can with stan d a con tin u ou s sh ort-circu it to DC ou tpu t with ou t
dam age to th e n otebook logic com pon en ts an d resets to th e n orm al power
m ode after th e fau lt con dition is rem oved.
4 .2 .9 .3
Prim ary Bat t ery Pack
Th e Exten sa 57x Series Notebooks u se a Nickel Metal Hydride battery as th e
prim ary battery pack. Specification s for th e prim ary battery pack are
provided in Table 4-4.
Table 4 -4 Prim ary Bat t ery Pack Specificat ion s
Fu n ct ion
Battery type
Specificat ion s
NiMH (Nickel Metal-Hydride)
Cell Type
Nom in al voltage
Cell en ergy capacity
8.4 V
4200 m AH
27 Watt-h ou rs
Nom in al rated
Ch arge an d disch arge
500 (m in im u m )
Th eory of Operation 4 -9
4 .2 .9 .4
DC-DC Con vert er/ Bat t ery Ch arger Circu it
Th e power su pply board in clu des two DC-DC Con verter circu its an d a
battery ch argin g circu it th at operate th e n otebook an d ch arge th e in tern al
batteries wh en th e AC Adapter is attach ed to th e n otebook. Th e con verters
operate from an in pu t voltage between 7 VDC an d 20 VDC (from th e AC
adapter) an d gen erate th e regu lated voltages requ ired to power all in tern al
logic circu its an d ch arge th e in tern al batteries. Wh en th e AC adapter is n ot
u sed, th e DC-DC con verters are powered by th e ou tpu t of th e in tern al
battery pack (s) (n om in al 8.4V).
4 -1 0 Th eory of Operation
Trou blesh oot in g Procedu res
5 .1
Gen eral
Th is section provides th e followin g in form ation :
Overview of th e fau lt isolation process
Gu idelin es for isolatin g com pu ter m alfu n ction s to replaceable
su bassem blies
In stru ction s for execu tin g diagn ostics an d in terpretin g error m essages.
5 .2
Overview of Fau lt Isolat ion Process
Th e fau lt isolation process (su m m arized in Figu re 5-1) con sists of th e
followin g:
Qu ick Ch eck of th e followin g:
Notebook power system (in clu din g battery packs an d AC
Adapter con n ection s)- refer to Paragraph 5.4.
Switch settin gs (en su re Power switch is On , an d press
St an dby switch to en su re th at Notebook is n ot in Stan dby
m ode; press Sh ift to en su re th e n otebook is n ot in
Au to-Su spen d m ode.
All extern al cablin g (if an y).
Ch eck LCD Con trast adju stm en t (Du al Scan version on ly).
Record an d attem pt to resolve an y displayed error m essages/ LED
in dication s (refer to Paragraph 5.3 an d Table 5-1).
Record an d attem pt to resolve an y series of beeps em itted from th e
n otebook in dicatin g test failu re (refer to Table 5-2).
Trou blesh ootin g Procedu res 5 -1
When Power button
is pressed, no indication
of power is present (dark
LCD, no Status icons lit,
no disk drive activity, etc.)
5.3.1 & 5.3.2
Press Power button;
Selftest automatically
runs when power turned on.
See Appendix B
Figu re 5 -1 Trou blesh oot in g Flowch art
5 -2 Trou blesh ootin g Procedu res
Try rebootin g th e system (Ct rl-Alt -Del); restore system from diskettes, if
n ecessary.
If th e com pu ter is capable of ru n n in g th e Setu p program ; ch eck th e
serial an d parallel port con figu ration s, an d oth er featu res th at m ay
affect system operation .
Ru n Diagn ostics to fu rth er isolate problem area (refer to Paragraph
For in dicated h ardware failu res, cycle power an d repeat self test to
verify th at a h ard failu re h as occu rred.
Rem ove an d replace su spect h ardware (as described in Section 6 of th is
m an u al) an d retest th e system u sin g th e diagn ostic tests as described in
Paragraph 5.3.5.
Th e detailed block diagram , sh own in Figu re 5-2, is u sefu l in perform in g
fau lt an alysis of variou s in tern al su bsystem s. For exam ple, an LCD
h ardware problem can be traced to eith er th e LCD, In verter Board, or Power
Su pply Board. Oth er su bsystem problem s can be isolated in a sim ilar
fash ion u sin g th e detailed block diagram as a trou blesh ootin g tool.
5 .3
Trou blesh oot in g Procedu res
Th e bu ilt-in self test program an d th e disk residen t diagn ostics program
(PC-Doctor) are u sefu l tools in com pu ter trou blesh ootin g. However, if th e
com pu ter h as a power, keyboard or display problem , you first solve th is
problem before ru n n in g diagn ostics. If th e com pu ter powers u p an d displays
m essages on th e LCD or em its a series of beeps, skip to Paragraph 5.3.3 for
fu rth er in stru ction s.
5 .3 .1
Trou blesh oot in g a Power Su pply Problem
If th e com pu ter does n ot power u p wh en th e Power Switch is set to th e ON
position , you m ost likely h ave a m alfu n ction in th e power su bsystem (loss of
power at th e AC Ou tlet, fau lty AC Adapter, disch arged Battery Pack, or
fau lty Power Su pply Board). With a power problem , th e statu s screen an d
th e LCD are both blan k, an d n o drive activity can be h eard. Th e com pu ter is
u n able to load software an d displays n o visible sign s of activity.
To fau lt isolate a power problem , ch eck th e followin g:
AC Adapter an d Battery- Plu g in th e AC adapter an d dou ble ch eck all
con n ection s on th e adapter an d com pu ter. En su re th at th e n otebook
Power bu tton is set to th e On position an d th at th e system is n ot in
stan dby or sleep m odes.
Measu re th e voltage at th e AC ou tlet or plu g in a kn own good applian ce
(e.g. a lam p) to verify th at voltage is presen t. If th e voltage is okay, try
replacin g th e AC adapter.
Trou blesh ootin g Procedu res 5 -3
Ch eck to see th at th e battery pack is in stalled correctly (try u sin g a
rech arged battery pack if battery is disch arged)
If th e AC ou tlet voltage, AC Adapter, an d battery packs test n orm al bu t
th e com pu ter will n ot power u p, replace th e Power Su pply Board an d/ or
Battery Board as described in Section 6.
PCMCIA Option Slot(s)
PCMCIA Adapter
Expansion Bus
CPU Data
Super I/O
CPU Address
(2 Bank)
SIMM Memory
Audio IN/OUT
Mic In
1 MB
Video RAM
Input From
AC Adapter
Battery Packs
640 X 480
Figu re 5 -2 Trou blesh oot in g Block Diagram
5 -4 Trou blesh ootin g Procedu res
5 .3 .2
Trou blesh oot in g a Display Problem
If th e LCD rem ain s blan k wh en you tu rn on th e com pu ter, an d th e statu s
ICONs ligh t on th e Statu s display pan el above th e keyboard, ch eck th e
followin g con trols on th e display:
LCD stan dby m ode - If th e LCD backligh t rem ain s off, even with th e
Con trast Con trol set to its h igh est position , th e LCD m ay be in St an dby
Mode. Press th e Power bu tton to power u p th e system .
Notebook Set for Extern al Mon itor - u se CMOS Setu p to reset n otebook.
LCD - Replace th e cover-display assem bly as described in Section 6 of
th is m an u al.
Low battery - Use a fu lly ch arged battery.
5 .3 .3
Fau lt Isolat ion Usin g Self Test
Wh en th e com pu ter is first powered u p, it au tom atically perform s a self test
of its cen tral h ardware an d m em ory fu n ction s. Du rin g self test (wh ich lasts
for a few secon ds), th e display sh ows copyrigh t an d version n u m ber
in form ation .
Not e: Som e procedu res in th is paragraph requ ire you to u se keystroke se-
qu en ces, su ch as Ct rl-Alt -Del. To execu te a keystroke sequ en ce su ch as
th is, you m u st press all th ree keys sim u ltan eou sly.
5 .3 .3 .1
Self Test Error Messages
Upon su ccessfu l com pletion of th e self test, th e com pu ter au tom atically
loads its operatin g system an d oth er bu ilt-in u tilities. If th e self test fails to
com plete su ccessfu lly, th e display sh ows on e of th e error m essages
described in Appen dix A.
5 .3 .4
PCMCIA Modem Problem s
If an option al PCMCIA m odem does n ot work properly, ch eck th e followin g
item s:
Proper in stallation of an y PCMCIA option s (ch eck Modem settin gs u n der
Con trol Pan el).
Dialin g problem or wron g n u m ber - Try dialin g a n u m ber th at you h ave
previou sly dialed su ccessfu lly.
Trou blesh ootin g Procedu res 5 -5
Fau lty ph on e lin e - Con n ect a teleph on e to th e lin e an d listen for a dial
ton e.
Software program - Ch eck to en su re th at you h ave in stalled th e
software correctly.
I/ O Address Con flict - Th e m u ltim edia sou n d capability of th e Exten sa
u ses I/ O address 220. However, th is m ay con flict with som e th ird-party
PCMCIA cards like th e IBM Token Rin g card. In th is case, reset th e
Exten sa m u ltim edia sou n d to I/ O address 240 as sh own in Figu re 5-3.
I/O Address 220
(Both switches in
lower position)
I/O Address 240
(Both switches in
upper position)
NOTE: Lift keyboard to access IR/Sound Board
DIP Switch
Figu re 5 -3 I/ O Address Set t in g (IR/ Sou n d Board)
5 .3 .5
Fau lt Isolat ion Usin g Diagn ost ics
PC-Doctor su pplied with th e Exten sa Series Notebooks is a powerfu l
diagn ostics tool th at can h elp you scan an in tern al RAM system for viru ses,
determ in e th e h ardware con figu ration of a local or rem ote system ,
ben ch m ark its perform an ce, an alyze th e perform an ce of all su bsystem s,
an d perform a su ite of in teractive an d n on -in teractive tests on attach ed
devices. Th e test resu lts are stored in a log wh ich can be prin ted ou t (by
pressin g F2 ) or saved in a disk file (by pressin g F3 ).
Featu res of th e diagn ostic program are accessed th rou gh a series of
pu ll-down m en u s an d basic keyboard keys (cu rsor keys to m ove h igh ligh ted
poin ter, En ter key to select a h igh ligh ted featu re, Esc key to can cel a
fu n ction an d m ove back on e level. PC-Doctor is typically u ser frien dly bu t if
you don ’t u n derstan d a featu re, con text-sen sitive h elp in form ation is
available at an y tim e by pressin g th e F1 fu n ction key; pressin g th e F1
fu n ction key twice accesses th e on lin e Technica l Reference Ma nua l for
A powerfu l set of u tilities with in PC-Doctor (th at can be ru n locally or
rem otely) sim plify th e task of determ in in g system con figu ration data,
5 -6 Trou blesh ootin g Procedu res
allocatin g an d u sin g system m em ory, IRQ an d DMA u se, wh at device drivers
are in stalled, wh at COM an d LPT ports are assign ed an d wh at ports are
available, iden tifyin g partition in g data for fixed disk drive(s), determ in in g
th e SVGA setu p in form ation , readin g th e software in terru pts/ in terru pt
vectors, etc.
Fu n ction ally, PC-Doctor in clu des th e followin g:
Grou p of n in e n on -in teractive diagn ostic tests th at perform a
n on -destru ctive test of th e m ajor h ardware fu n ction s in th e n otebook
(Processor, Mem ory, System board, video section , serial an d parallel
ports (wh en loopback adapters are in stalled), h ard disk an d floppy disk.
Grou p of seven in teractive tests (requ ire operator in pu t) for testin g th e
keyboard, video section s, sou n d su bsystem , m ou se, joystick, diskette
drive, prin ter su bsystem an d SCSI/ CD-ROM Drive su bsystem s.
Utility th at provides detailed system in form ation su ch as con figu ration
data, allocation an d u se of system m em ory, IRQ an d DMA u se, wh at
device drivers are in stalled, wh at COM an d LPT ports are assign ed an d
wh at ports are available, partition in g data for fixed disk drive(s), SVGA
setu p in form ation , software in terru pts an d in terru pt vectors.
Grou p of special pu rpose u tilities to ru n oth er tests from PC-Doctor,
perform a viru s scan of th e in tern al RAM system , edit con figu ration
files, su rface scan h ard drives, m easu re system perform an ce, open a
DOS prom pt, provides term in al access to devices con n ected to serial
ports, su pports m em ory debu g operation s, en ables rem ote operation s,
perm its deep disch arge of n otebook batteries an d provides an exten sive
test reportin g fu n ction .
Th e PC-Doctor diagn ostic program con tain s a grou p of n in e n on -In teractive
diagn ostics, available from th e Diagn ost ics h eadin g in th e m ain m en u , th at
perm its testin g variou s h ardware section s with ou t operator in pu t. You can
select on e, several, or all tests from th e Diagn ostics m en u . Th ese tests are
n on -destru ctive; th e serial an d parallel port tests requ ire discon n ectin g
extern al devices from you r n otebook an d in stallin g loopback plu gs. Th e
Non -In teractive test categories in clu de:
CPU an d Coprocessor tests
Base RAM m em ory test
System Board test
Video Test
COM1 an d LPT1 serial port tests
Parallel Port Test
Fixed Disk test
Diskette Drive tests
Trou blesh ootin g Procedu res 5 -7
Oth er devices (Sou n d card, PCMCIA option s, etc.)
In t eract ive Test s
Th e PC-Doctor diagn ostic test in clu des a su ite of seven In teractive tests th at
requ ire operator in pu t du rin g th e cou rse of th e test. Th e In t eract ive Test s
category in clu des:
Keyboard - tests th e keyboard keys, LEDs an d repeat
fu n ction
Video - tests th e LCD an d extern al SVGA ch aracter sets, an d
Speak er- tests th e volu m e respon se at differen t frequ en cies.
Mou se - tests th e m ou se driver, bu tton s an d fu n ction ality
J oyst ick - calibrates th e extern al joystick con n ected to th e
system an d tests th e joystick bu tton s
Disk et t e Drive - ch ecks diskette drive fu n ction ality
Maxim u m Syst em Load - th orou gh ly exercises system to th e
m axim u m exten t possible for perform in g system bu rn -in an d
Prin t er Test - tests th e operation of a con n ected prin ter
SCSI Test - sen ds test codes to attach ed SCSI devices
(requ ires u se of a Dockin g System with SCSI)
CD-ROM Test - ch ecks ou t an y attach ed CD-ROM Drive
(requ ires attach m en t of a Dockin g System with CD-ROM
Su pport in g On lin e docu m en t at ion
Th e PC-Doctor Diagn ostic con tain s th e followin g on lin e in form ation sou rces:
On lin e Tech n ical Man u al - selected at an y tim e by pressin g F1 key
twice or by clickin g on th e Qu estion Mark in th e u pper left h an d corn er
of an y PC-Doctor Men u
On -lin e Help system th at provides con text sen sitive in form ation from
every PC-Doctor screen - accessed by pressin g F1 key on ce (pressin g F1
twice gets you in to th e on lin e m an u al)
5 -8 Trou blesh ootin g Procedu res
5 .3 .5 .1
User In t erface t o PC-Doct or
PC-Doctor is stru ctu red as a text m ode, win dow u ser in terface with
pu ll-down m en u s. Program operation requ ires th e u se of th e followin g keys:
Cu rsor Keys - m ove th e h igh ligh ted poin ter
En ter Key - Selects th e h igh ligh ted option
Esc Key - Can cels cu rren t fu n ction an d goes back on e step
F1 Key - Activates th e con text-sen sitive h elp featu re (pressin g F1 twice
in a row calls u p th e on lin e Technica l Reference Ma nua l for PC-Doctor)
Scrollin g win dows, wh ich sh ow th e resu lts of variou s operation s, u se th e
followin g keys:
Page Up/ Page Down - m oves th e screen on e page at a tim e
F2 - Prin ts th e log to PRN
F3 - saves th e log to a file
You can also u se th e m ou se or glidepad to in teract with PC-Doctor. Th e
leftm ost Select key is u sed to ch oose objects (m en u en tries an d action
codes typically en closed in brackets). Th e righ tm ost Select key is equ ivalen t
to th e Esc key wh ich takes you back to you r previou s step.
5 .3 .5 .2
Creat in g a Boot able Floppy Disk et t e
Prior to u sin g PC-Doctor, create a bootable floppy diskette u sin g th e
followin g procedu re:
Power u p th e u n it; wh en u n it displays m essage, "Startin g
Win dows 95", press F8 . Ch oose Com m an d Prom pt On ly from m en u .
2 .
Usin g DOS, form at a floppy diskette.
From th e A: prom pt, copy th e basic MS-DOS files to th e diskette u sin g
th e followin g com m an d:
Form at A: / F:1 4 4 0 / S
Wh ere th e valu e 1440 is th e capacity of th e diskette (1.44 MB in th is
exam ple).
Get in to th e PC-Doctor directory ( type CD C:\ PCDR an d press En t er).
5 .
Copy th e PC-Doctor files to th e bootable diskette u sin g th e followin g
com m an d:
After com pletion of th is procedu re, you sh ou ld h ave a bootable diskette
con tain in g PC-Doctor.
Trou blesh ootin g Procedu res 5 -9
5 .3 .5 .3
Ru n n in g PC-Doct or
PC-Doctor is a DOS-residen t program th at can be ru n from eith er h ard disk
or from th e bootable diskette you previou sly created.
1 .
From th e C:\ prom pt ch an ge directory (type CD C:\ PCDR) an d press
En t er.
2 .
Th e Diagn ostics Program loads in to system m em ory, an d th e LCD
displays th e diagn ostics Header.
Not e: Th ere are a n u m ber of com m an d-lin e switch es th at can be en tered
wh en startin g u p PC-Doctor to en able au tom atic viru s scan n in g, en able
loopback testin g of serial/ parallel ports, work from th e rem ote m en u if per-
form in g rem ote operation s, etc. To get a listin g of th e available com m an d-
lin e switch es, startu p PC-Doctor with th e followin g com m an d: PCDR / ? an d
press En t er.
Not e: If PC-Doctor detects a viru s, it will stop with an error m essage. You
m u st th en u se on e of th e stan dard viru s detection an d rem oval program s to
rem ove th e viru s.
5 .3 .5 .4
Qu it t in g PC-Doct or
To exit PC-Doctor, select th e Qu it pu ll down m en u an d th en select th e Qu it
t o DOS option .
Not e: For addition al in form ation , press F1 twice to access th e on lin e Refer-
ence ma nua l for PC-Doctor.
5 -1 0 Trou blesh ootin g Procedu res
Field Service
6 .1
In t rodu ct ion
Th is section con tain s preven tive an d corrective m ain ten an ce procedu res for
th e Exten sa 57x Series Notebook Com pu ters. Th e first part of th e section
describes th e com pu ter clean in g procedu res an d preferred h an dlin g
procedu res for sen sitive com pon en ts (e.g. disk drives, batteries).
Th e secon d part of th e section iden tifies all field-replaceable parts; th e
rem ain der of th e section con tain s rem oval an d replacem en t procedu res for
th e field-replaceable parts.
6 .2
Preven t ive Main t en an ce
Preven tive m ain ten an ce is lim ited to clean in g th e plastic case, th e keyboard,
an d th e display screen .
6 .2 .1
Clean in g t h e Com pu t er
Wh en it is n ecessary to clean th e plastic case, glidepad an d keyboard, u se a
soft, lin t-free cloth , sligh tly dam pen ed with a m ild detergen t solu tion or u se
th e con ten ts of an y com m ercially available com pu ter clean in g kit.
Cau t ion : Never u se alcoh ol, pet roleu m -based solven t s, or h arsh det er-
gen t s t o clean you r com pu t er. Also n ever spray an y liqu ids direct ly on
t h e com pu t er case, k eyboard, or screen . If t h e liqu id-cryst al display
(LCD) screen h as becom e sm eared or du st y, clean t h e screen by first ap-
plyin g a m ild glass clean er t o a soft , clean , lin t -free clot h , an d gen t ly
wipe t h e glass. Never apply liqu ids direct ly on t h e screen su rface.
Cau t ion : Do n ot u se paper t owels t o clean t h e display screen . Paper can
scrat ch t h e display screen m at t e.
6 .2 .2
Prot ect in g t h e Disk Drives
To protect th e disk drives an d data, back u p th e system disk periodically on
floppy diskettes. Periodically u se a h ead-clean in g diskette in th e floppy
diskette drive to prolon g th e life of th e drive an d to h elp m ain tain data
in tegrity.
Field Service 6 -1
6 .2 .3
Han dlin g t h e Com pu t er Bat t ery Pack
Th e battery pack fu rn ish ed with th e com pu ter requ ires reason able care an d
h an dlin g to en su re efficien t operation an d m axim u m life. Periodically
in spect th e battery term in als an d th e batteries for eviden ce of corrosion an d
oxide bu ild-u p; clean if n ecessary.
To en su re th at th e battery pack en du res a n orm al life cycle, always observe
th e followin g precau tion s wh en h an dlin g th e battery pack:
Do n ot drop th e battery pack or su bject it to excessive sh ock an d
vibration .
Do n ot expose th e battery pack to direct su n ligh t, m oistu re, or ch em ical
com pou n ds.
Do n ot disassem ble th e battery pack.
Do n ot u se th e battery pack to power oth er devices.
Do n ot sh ort th e battery leads or con n ect th e battery with reversed
Never attem pt to ch arge th e battery pack in an y way oth er th an as
described in th is m an u al.
Always ch arge th e battery pack as soon as possible after a low battery
in dication .
6 .2 .4
Rest orin g Syst em Soft ware
Th e h ard drive on th e n otebook com pu ter is factory loaded with Win dows 95
an d ready for operation . Su pplied with th e Win dows 95 system is a facility
for creatin g backu p diskettes of th e system software. In th e even t of a disk
crash or oth er problem , you can u se th e Windows 95 Sta rtup diskette to
boot th e u n it an d perform trou blesh ootin g.
6 .3 Requ ired Tools an d Equ ipm en t
All n otebook com pu ter corrective m ain ten an ce procedu res can be perform ed
u sin g th e followin g tools:
Sm all flat-blade screwdriver
Sm all Ph illips screwdriver
Hexagon al Screwdriver
Plastic Stick
6 -2 Field Service
Cau t ion : All boards, opt ion s an d periph erals con t ain com pon en t s t h at
are sen sit ive t o st at ic elect ricit y. Wh en h an dlin g an y of t h ese it em s,
prot ect again st st at ic elect ricit y by u sin g wrist or an k le grou n din g
st raps an d grou n ded work in g m at s. Wh en m ovin g or st orin g it em s, u se
t h e an t i-st at ic bags su pplied wit h t h e it em s.
6 .4
Not ebook Field-Replaceable Part s
an d Assem blies
All m em bers of th e Exten sa 57x Series Notebook Com pu ters con tain two
m ajor assem blies in clu din g th e Cover Display Assem bly (u pper h alf of
n otebook com pu ter) an d th e System Base Assem bly (lower h alf of th e
n otebook). Each of th ese two assem blies con tain FRUs as described in th e
followin g su bparagraph s.
6 .4 .1
Cover-Display Assem bly
As sh own in Figu re 6-1, th e Cover -Display Assem bly con tain s th e LCD
screen , Power In verter Board, Tran sfer Board an d cables.
Th e Field-Replaceable Un its (FRUs) with in th e Cover Display Assem bly are
provided in Table 6-1.
Bezel (Removed
for Clarity)
Power Inverter
LCD Cover
Bezel Nameplate
(not shown)
(not visible
in this view)
Figu re 6 -1 Cover Display Assem bly FRUs
Field Service 6 -3
Table 6 -1 Cover Display Assem bly, Field-Replaceable Un it s (FRUs)
It em
FRU Descript ion
TI Part No.
Referen ce
In verter Board, TFT/ DSSTN
11.3", DSTN SVGA LCD Pan el
10.4" TFT SVGA LCD Pan el
11.3" DSTN SVGA Cable
10.4" TFT SVGA Cable
Display In tercon n ect Board, TFT
Display In tercon n ect Board, DSSTN
TFT Pan el Tran sfer Board
DSSTN Panel Tran sfer Board
Bezel, 11.3" DSSTN
Bezel, TFT 10.4
Bezel Nam eplate, 570CD
Bezel Nam eplate, 575CD
Bezel Nam eplate, 570CDT
Bezel Nam eplate, 575CDT
Hin ge Covers
6 -4 Field Service
6 .4 .2
Syst em Base Assem bly
As sh own in Figu re 6-2, th e System Base Assem bly h ou ses a variety of
field-replaceable su bassem blies an d com pon en ts. Th e FRUs an d paragraph
referen ces for rem oval/ replacem en t procedu res are listed in Table 6-2.
Table 6-3 con tain s a listin g of Cu stom er (n on -tech n ical u ser) replaceable
u n its (CRUs) an d associated TI Part n u m bers.
Display Assembly
Keyboard Assembly
Status LCD
Glidepad Assembly
Power Supply Board
IR/Sound Board
Display Assembly
Main Board
Display Cable Interface
Inverter Board
Figu re 6 -2 Base Assem bly FRUs
Field Service 6 -5
Table 6 -2 Base Assem bly, Field-Replaceable Un it s (FRUs)
It em
Ref. Para.
FRU Descript ion
TI Part No.
100MHZ Main Board w/ CPU
Power Su pply, CPU
Sou n d\ IR Board Assem bly (Addr. Sel.)
Power Su pply Assem bly
HDD Board Assem bly, Gold Con tact
Statu s LCD Board Assem bly
810 Million Byte HDD
1200 Million Byte HDD
FDD Modu le (W/ O FDD)
1.44 MB FDD
US Keyboard Assem bly
UK Keyboard Assem bly
Germ an Keyboard Assem bly
Fren ch Keyboard Assem bly
Span ish Keyboard Assem bly
Swiss Keyboard Assem bly
Italian Keyboard Assem bly
Portu gu ese Keyboard Assem bly
Swedish Keyboard Assem bly
Danish Keyboard Assem bly
Norwegian Keyboard Assem bly
Belgiu m Keyboard Assem bly
Finish Keyboard Assem bly
CPU, P54C-100, SPGA, 2.9V
Glidepad Modu le
6 -6 Field Service
It em
Ref. Para.
FRU Descript ion
TI Part No.
Speaker Cable Assem bly
Cable, Bu tton to Glide
Cable, Main Board to Bu tton
Cable, Main Board to Sou n d Board (2)
Cable, Main Board to Sou n d Board (4)
Cable, Main Board to Statu s LCD
Statu s LCD Cover W/ Len s
CMOS Battery
Door Assem bly, Expan sion Con n ector
Door Assem bly, PCMCIA
Door Assem bly, CD/ FDD
Top Case Assem bly
Table 6 -3 Not ebook CRUs (Cu st om er Replaceable Un it s)
CRU Descript ion
TI Part No
Ref. Para.
It em
In tern al Battery Pack, Ni-MH,
4200 m AH
8 MB RAM Modu le Kit
16 MB RAM Modu le Kit
32 B RAM Modu le Kit
Extern al Battery Ch arger
Fu ll Fu n ction Port Replicator
Screw Covers
Door Assem bly,
VGA/ Ser./ Par.
Field Service 6 -7
6 .5 FRU Rem oval an d Replacem en t
Procedu res
Th e followin g paragraph s con tain field service-level rem oval/ replacem en t
procedu res for th e Notebook.
Cau t ion : Prior t o rem ovin g an y of t h e in t ern al FRUs in t h e n ot ebook ,
rem ove t h e AC Adapt er, bat t ery, floppy an d h ard drives an d all ext ern al
opt ion s in st alled on t h e n ot ebook .
6 .5 .1
Rem ovin g/ Replacin g t h e Not ebook Bat t ery
Th e procedu re for rem ovin g an d replacin g th e battery pack(s) is as follows:
1 .
Tu rn off th e com pu ter an d discon n ect th e AC adapter an d an y
extern al devices from th e n otebook.
2 .
Tu rn th e n otebook over an d lay th e n otebook on a flat su rface.
3 .
Locate th e battery release bu tton on th e bottom of th e n otebook.
Press th e bu tton in th e direction of th e arrow wh ile slidin g th e
battery ou t of its battery bay.
Not e: Refer to Step 2 in Paragraph 6.5.2 for in form ation on rem ovin g a sec-
on dary battery pack from th e floppy drive cavity.
6 .5 .2
Rem ovin g/ Replacin g t h e Floppy
Drive/ CD-ROM
To rem ove an d replace th e Floppy Drive or CD-ROM Drive, perform th e
followin g procedu re:
1 .
Power th e n otebook off; discon n ect th e AC adapter from th e n otebook
(if attach ed) an d rem ove th e battery pack(s) as described in Paragraph
2 .
Locate th e floppy release bu tton . Press an d h old th e bu tton in th e
direction of th e arrow wh ile slidin g th e floppy drive (or oth er in stalled
device su ch as CD-ROM drive or battery) ou t of th e n otebook bay.
Cau t ion : Wh en rem ovin g t h e floppy drive assem bly or CD-ROM drive
assem bly, grasp it by it s sides; ot h erwise dam age t o t h e floppy drive
can occu r.
6 -8 Field Service
3 .
Th e floppy drive assem bly can be fu rth er disassem bled by rem ovin g
th e Ph illips-h ead screws from th e sides of th e floppy drive assem bly;
liftin g off th e cover an d liftin g ou t th e floppy drive an d cable
con n ector (ZIF con n ector type). Un plu g th e cable at th e ZIF con n ector.
6 .5 .3
Rem ovin g/ Replacin g t h e Hard Drive
Th e procedu re for rem ovin g an d replacin g th e h ard drive assem bly is as
1 .
2 .
3 .
Power down th e n otebook, rem ove th e battery packs, an d discon n ect
th e AC adapter, if in stalled.
Discon n ect an y periph eral device in terface cables from th e extern al
in terface con n ectors an d rem ove an y in stalled PCMCIA option s.
Locate th e HDD release bu tton on th e side of th e n otebook com pu ter;
press an d h old th e release bu tton in th e direction of th e arrow wh ile
slidin g th e HDD assem bly ou t of its bay.
4 .
Replacem en t is essen tially th e reverse of Steps 1 th rou gh 3.
6 .5 .4
Rem ovin g/ Replacin g Du al In lin e Mem ory
Modu les (DIMMs)
To rem ove an d replace th e expan sion m em ory, u se th e followin g procedu re:
1 .
2 .
3 .
4 .
Power down th e n otebook; discon n ect th e AC Adapter (if attach ed) an d
rem ove th e n otebook battery packs as described in Paragraph 6.5.1.
Usin g a sm all Ph illips h ead screw driver, rem ove th e two screws th at
secu re th e RAM Access Door to th e base an d rem ove th e door.
Pu sh th e two plastic sprin gs away from th e board edge an d rem ove
th e board u sin g a sligh t rockin g m otion .
Wh en in stallin g a DIMM board, in sert th e edge of th e board in to th e
rear of its con n ector u sin g a sligh t rockin g m otion at an an gle to th e
su rface of th e board.
5 .
On ce th e DIMM is fu lly in serted in th e con n ector, pu sh down ward on
both sides of th e board to sn ap it in place.
6 .
Repeat steps 4 an d 5 for each DIMM m odu le bein g in stalled. Th en
replace h ardware earlier rem oved in Steps 1 an d 2.
Field Service 6 -9
6 .5 .5
Rem ovin g/ Replacin g t h e Keyboard Assem bly
Th e procedu re for rem ovin g an d replacin g th e keyboard assem bly is as
1 .
Power th e n otebook off; discon n ect th e AC Adapter from th e n otebook
(if attach ed) an d rem ove th e battery pack(s) as described in Paragraph
2 .
Th e top edge of th e keyboard is h eld in place by latch es above th e
Prt Sc an d F2 keys. Slide th e latch es toward th e ou ter edges of th e
n otebook.
3 .
4 .
5 .
Usin g a sm all straigh t-blade screwdriver, lift th e rear edge of th e
keyboard an d lay th e keyboard over on th e glidepad.
Un lock th e keyboard ZIF con n ector on th e m ain board an d rem ove
th e keyboard cable; lift th e keyboard ou t of th e u n it.
Wh en in stallin g th e replacem en t keyboard, essen tially reverse Steps 1
th rou gh 4.
Left side release
latch (behind F2 Key)
Right side release
latch (behind PrtSc Key)
Figu re 6 -3 Rem ovin g/ Replacin g t h e Keyboard Assem bly
6 -1 0 Field Service
6 .5 .6
Rem ovin g/ Replacin g t h e Display Assem bly
To access FRUs in th e display assem bly, rem ove th e display assem bly as
described in th e followin g procedu re:
1 .
Rem ove th e keyboard assem bly as described in Paragraph 6.5.5.
2 .
Lean th e LCD partially back (do n ot lean th e LCD com pletely back as
it m ay cau se th e LCD statu s cover to bin d).
3 .
Usin g both th u m bs, press th e fron t edge of th e LCD statu s cover to
release two latch es on th e rear edge of th e cover. With a rockin g
m otion , gen tly rem ove th e LCD cover (Not e: You m ay h ave to adju st
th e LCD cover an d lift u pward on th e fron t edge of th e LCD statu s
4 .
5 .
6 .
Rem ove th e screw th at secu res th e grou n d cable to th e Main Board
(located directly below th e processor).
Locate th e display in tercon n ect (h in ge) board (plu gs vertically in to
th e m ain board ju st to th e left of th e CPU).
Usin g two pairs of pliers, lift u pwards on th e left an d righ t side of th e
display cable in terface board an d rem ove th e board from th e u n it
wh ile pu llin g th e grou n d cable from th e base assem bly.
7 .
Lay th e Display Assem bly com pletely back an d rem ove th e fou r
Ph illips-h ead screws th at secu re th e display h in ges to th e Base Case
Assem bly.
8 .
En su re th at th e display cables are free from th e Top Case Assem bly
an d rem ove th e Display Assem bly.
9 .
Replacem en t is th e reverse of Steps 1 th rou gh 8 above.
6 .5 .7
Rem ovin g an d Replacin g t h e LCD St at u s
Assem bly
To rem ove th e LCD Statu s Assem bly, perform th e followin g procedu re:
1 .
2 .
Rem ove th e keyboard assem bly as described in paragraph 6.5.5.
Lean th e LCD partially back (do n ot lean th e LCD com pletely back as
it m ay cau se th e LCD statu s cover to bin d).
3 .
Usin g both th u m bs, press th e fron t edge of th e LCD statu s cover to
release two latch es on th e rear edge of th e cover. Press down at air
ven t wh ile liftin g tabs in fron t. With a rockin g m otion , gen tly rem ove
th e LCD cover (Not e: You m ay h ave to adju st th e LCD cover an d lift
u pward on th e fron t edge of th e LCD statu s cover).
4 .
Rem ove th e two Ph illips-h ead screws an d clips th at secu re th e statu s
LCD assem bly to th e base.
5 .
Lower th e LCD cover assem bly an d u n lock th e ZIF con n ector on th e
back of th e LCD statu s assem bly u sin g a plastic stick.
Field Service 6 -1 1
6 .
Lift th e statu s LCD assem bly ou t of th e u n it.
7 .
Rein stallation of th e statu s LCD assem bly is th e reverse of Steps 1
th rou gh 6.
6 .5 .8
Rem ovin g/ Replacin g t h e Top Case Assem bly
To rem ove an d replace th e top case assem bly assem bly, perform th e
followin g procedu re:
1 .
2 .
3 .
4 .
5 .
Rem ove th e keyboard assem bly as described in Paragraph 6.5.5.
Rem ove th e display assem bly as described in Paragraph 6.5.6.
Rem ove th e LCD statu s assem bly as described in Paragraph 6.5.7.
Un plu g th e sm all cable located n ext to th e keyboard ZIF con n ector.
Flip th e u n it over an d rem ove th e eigh t screws from th e base. Do Not
rem ove th e flat h ead screw at th e rear of th e u n it n ext to th e switch .
Not e: You do n ot n eed to rem ove th e two screws h oldin g th e RAM
access door to th e base assem bly.
6 .
Rem ove th e screw to th e righ t of th e display cable in terface board
(located beh in d th e statu s LCD assem bly).
7 .
Tu rn th e u n it over an d lift th e rear of th e top case assem bly on e to
two in ch es; th en pu ll th e top case towards you wh ile keepin g th e base
in place.
8 .
Rein stallation of th e top case assem bly is th e reverse of Steps 1
th rou gh 7 above.
6 .5 .9
Rem ovin g/ Replacin g t h e Glidepad Assem bly
To rem ove/ replace th e glidepad assem bly, perform th e followin g procedu re:
1 .
2 .
3 .
Rem ove th e top case assem bly as described in Paragraph 6.5.8.
Flip th e top case assem bly over an d lay it on a flat su rface.
Rem ove th e fou r screws th at secu re th e glidepad board assem bly to
th e plastics.
4 .
Carefu lly lift th e glidepad board ou t of th e plastics. Note th at th e
glidepad is teth ered to th e bu tton board by a cable an d LIF
con n ectors.
5 .
Replacem en t of th e glidepad assem bly is th e reverse of Steps 1
th rou gh 4 above.
6 .5 .1 0 Rem ovin g/ Replacin g t h e IR/ Sou n d Assem bly
To rem ove an d replace th e IR/ sou n d assem bly, perform th e followin g
procedu re:
1 .
Rem ove th e top case assem bly as described in Paragraph 6.5.8.
6 -1 2 Field Service
2 .
Som e version s of th e IR/ sou n d board con tain two cables th at con n ect
to th e left side of th e m ain board. Discon n ect th ese cables, if presen t.
3 .
Rem ove th ree screws th at h old th e IR/ sou n d board to th e u n it (two
screws are located at th e rear wh ich secu re a rear bezel an d on e
screw is in th e fron t).
4 .
Grasp th e fron t left corn er an d fron t righ t corn er of th e board; rem ove
th e board from th e u n it.
5 .
Replacem en t of th e IR/ sou n d board assem bly is essen tially th e
reverse of Steps 1 th rou gh 4 above.
Not e: En su re th at th e I/ O port address switch settin gs on th e origin al board
m atch th e settin g of th e replacem en t board (refer to Figu re 5-3 in Section 5).
6 .5 .1 1 Rem ovin g/ Replacin g t h e Power Su pply Board
To rem ove an d replace th e Power Su pply Board, perform th e followin g
procedu re:
1 .
2 .
3 .
Rem ove th e Top Case Assem bly as described in Paragraph 6.5.8
Rem ove th e h oldin g screw on th e left side of th e board.
Firm ly grasp th e board an d u se a side-to-side rockin g m otion wh ile
liftin g u p on th e board.
4 .
Wh en rein stallin g th e Power Su pply Board, en su re th at th e plastic
cap th at rests on top of th e Closed Cover Switch h as th e slan ted
su rface facin g th e fron t of th e Notebook.
6 .5 .1 2 Rem ovin g/ Replacin g t h e CMOS Bat t ery
To rem ove an d replace th e CMOS battery, u se th e followin g procedu re.
Not e: Replacem en t of th e CMOS battery will resu lt in th e loss of cu stom er -
defin able settin gs. Replace CMOS battery on ly if th e battery is defective.
1 .
Rem ove th e top case assem bly as described in Paragraph 6.5.8.
2 .
Discon n ect th e battery cable from th e m ain board; lift th e battery
from th e base.
3 .
Rein stall replacem en t battery.
6 .5 .1 3 Rem ovin g/ Replacin g t h e Main Board
To rem ove an d replace th e m ain board assem bly, perform th e followin g
procedu re:
1 .
Rem ove th e top case assem bly as described in Paragraph 6.5.8.
2 .
Usin g a 5 m m h exdriver, rem ove th e fou r h ex stan doffs (sh ortest is
located n ext to th e PS/ 2 con n ector an d th e lon gest is located at th e
rear of th e u n it).
3 .
Rem ove th e fou r Ph illips h ead screws secu rin g th e m ain board to th e
base plastics.
Field Service 6 -1 3
4 .
Lift u p on th e fron t edge of th e m ain board u n til it clears th e battery
cavity; th en pu ll th e m ain board forward an d ou t of th e plastics.
5 .
Reassem bly is th e reverse of steps 1 th rou gh 4 above.
New P/S
Main Board
Remove all other board
assemblies; then remove four
Hex Standoffs and four screws.
Figu re 6 -4 Replacin g t h e Main Board Assem bly
6 .5 .1 4
Rem ovin g/ Replacin g HDD Con n ect or Board
To rem ove an d replace th e HDD con n ector board Assem bly, perform th e
followin g procedu re:
1 .
2 .
3 .
4 .
Rem ove th e top case assem bly as described in Paragraph 6.5.8.
Rem ove th e m ain board assem bly as described in Paragraph 6.5.13.
Tu rn th e m ain board over an d lay on a flat su rface.
Usin g a sm all Ph illips screwdriver, rem ove th e two screws secu rin g
th e HDD con n ector board to th e m ain board.
5 .
Replacem en t is th e reverse of Steps 1 th rou gh 4.
6 -1 4 Field Service
6 .5 .1 5 Rem ovin g/ Replacin g In vert er Board
To rem ove an d replace th e in verter board assem bly, perform th e followin g
procedu re:
Cau t ion : Prior t o rem ovin g t h e LCD bezel, en su re t h at t h e AC adapt er
is discon n ect ed an d t h at all in t ern al bat t ery pack s are rem oved. Fail-
u re t o observe t h is precau t ion cou ld expose you t o dan gerou s h igh
volt ages.
1 .
2 .
3 .
4 .
Rem ove th e top case assem bly as described in Paragraph 6.5.8.
Rem ove th e m ain board assem bly as described in Paragraph 6.5.13.
Tu rn th e m ain board over an d lay on a flat su rface.
Un plu g th e speaker cable assem bly con n ected to th e display in terface
5 .
Rem ove th e fou r ru bber screw covers an d th e fou r screws ben eath th e
6 .
Pu ll on th e in side edges of th e bezel to rem ove it startin g with th e
bottom of th e bezel.
7 .
Discon n ect th e con n ectors at th e top an d bottom of th e in verter board.
8 .
Use a sm all Ph illips-h ead screwdriver to rem ove th e two screws
h oldin g th e in verter board to th e plastics. Rem ove th e in verter board.
9 .
To replace th e in verter board, reverse Steps 1 th rou gh 8.
Field Service 6 -1 5
Appen dix A
Self Test Error Messages
In t rodu ct ion
Th is appen dix con tain s referen ce data u sefu l in diagn osin g an d correctin g self test
Table A-1 Self Test Error Messages
Error Message
Correct ive Act ion
CMOS Battery Bad
Replace m ain board
CMOS Ch ecksu m Error
Cycle power to Notebook; if
problem persists, replace m ain
Disk Boot Failu re
In sert a system disk in drive A
Diskette Drive Con troller Error or No
Con troller Presen t
Cycle power to Notebook; if
problem persists, replace m ain
Diskette Drive Error
In sert Diskette an d retry; if
problem persists, replace drive.
Diskette Drive Type Mism atch
Equ ipm en t Con figu ration Error
Hard Disk 0 Error
Press Ct rl-Alt -Esc to recon figu re
th e system .
Press Ct rl-Alt -Esc to recon figu re
th e system .
Cycle power to Notebook; if
problem persists, replace m ain
board an d/ or h ard drive.
Hard Disk 0 Exten ded Type Error.
Cycle power to Notebook; if
problem persists, replace h ard
In sert system diskette an d press key to
In sert a system disk in drive A
I/ O Parity Error
Cycle power to Notebook; if
problem persists, replace m ain
Keyboard Error or No Keyboard
Con n ected
Cycle power to Notebook; if
problem persists, ch eck keyboard
cable con ection s to m ain board; if
problem persists, replace keyboard
an d or m ain board.
Error Messages A-1
Error Message
Correct ive Act ion
Keyboard In terface Error
Cycle Power to Notebook; if prob-
lem persists, ch eck keyboard cable
con ection s to m ain board; if
problem persists, replace keyboard
an d or m ain board.
Mem ory Size Mism atch
Missin g operatin g system
En ter an d th en exit th e System
Con figu ration Setu p in th e Setu p
u tility.
Correct th e HDD type in th e
con figu ration m en u an d reboot.
Refer to th e specification label
pasted on th e back side of th e
n otebook or attach ed to h ard disk
Non -system disk or disk error. Replace
an d strike an y key wh en ready
Rem ove disk in drive A an d press
an y key
Poin tin g Device Error
Cycle Power to Notebook; if
problem persists, ch eck cable
con n ection s from glidepad board to
m ain board; if problem persists,
replace glidepad board; if problem
persists, replace m ain board.
Poin tin g Device In terface Error
Cycle Power to Notebook; if
problem persists, open u p th e
n otebook an d ch eck th e glidepad
cablin g
Protected Mode Test Fail
Cycle power to Notebook
Cycle power to Notebook
RAM Parity Error
Cycle power to Notebook; if
problem persists, replace m ain
board an d/ or DIMM m odu le (if
u sed)
Real-Tim e Clock Error
Video RAM BIOS Bad
Press Ct rl-Alt -Esc to recon figu re
th e system .
Cycle power to Notebook; if
problem persists, rem ove an d
replace th e m ain board.
Table A-2 POST Ch eck poin t List
A-2 Error Messages
Ch eck poin t
Descript ion
Norm al POST start
CMOS an d BIOS ROM ch ecksu m test skip or
com plete
80286 register test in -progress
CMOS write/ read test in -progress or failu re
BIOS ROM ch ecksu m in -progress or failu re
Program m able In terval Tim er test in -progress or
failu re
DMA page register write/ read test in -progress or
RAM refresh verification in -progress or failu re
1st 64K RAM test in -progress
1st 64K RAM ch ip or data lin e failu re - m u lti-bit
1st 64K RAM odd/ even logic failu re
1st 64K RAM address lin e failu re
1st 64K RAM parity test in -progress or failu re
1st 64K RAM ch ip or data lin e failu re bit 0
Slave DMA register test in -progress or failu re
Master DMA register test in -progress or failu re
Master in terru pt m ask register test in -progress
or fail
Slave in terru pt m ask register test in -progress or
In terru pt vector loadin g in -progress
Keyboard con troller test in -progress or failu re
CMOS power -fail an d ch ecksu m ch ecks in -
CMOS con fig in fo validation in -progress
Screen m em ory test in -progress or failu re
Screen in itialization in -progress or failu re
Screen retrace tests in -progress or failu re
Search for video ROM in -progress
Screen believed operable
Tim er tick in terru pt test in -progress or failu re
Error Messages A-3
Ch eck poin t
Descript ion
Norm al POST start
Sh u tdown test in -progress or failu re
Gate A20 failu re
Un expected in terru pt in protected m ode
RAM test in -progress or failu re above address
In terval tim er ch an n el 2 test in -progress or
failu re
Tim e-Of-Day clock test in -progress or failu re
Serial port test test in -progress or failu re
Parallel port test test in -progress or failu re
Math Coprocessor test in -progress or failu re
In itial M1429
Dyn am ic Mem ory Con figu ration an d ch eck
extern al Cach e size
Sh adow BIOS
Perform PCI device in itialization
Ch eck CMOS ch ecksu m
Ch eck CMOS con fig again st actu al
En able/ disable en tern al cach e
In itial Pn P device n odes
En able/ disable extern al cach e
Begin PCI devices in itialization
Con figu res PCI VGA devices
Except VGA
Begin PCI service rou tin es
PCI Option ROM in itialization
A-4 Error Messages
Ch eck poin t
Descript ion
Norm al POST start
Sh adow PCI n on -VGA option ROM
Sh adow PCI VGA option ROM to C000 segm en t
Start to fin d PCI option ROM
Begin to sh adow PCI option ROM
Begin to con figu res PCI VGA devices
Allocate Space for option ROM
Error Messages A-5
PC-Doct or Diagn ost ics
In t rodu ct ion
Th e Exten sa Series Notebooks are sh ipped with PC-Doctor, a powerfu l diagn ostics
tool th at can h elp you determ in e th e h ardware con figu ration of a local or rem ote
system , ben ch m ark its perform an ce, an alyze th e perform an ce of all su bsystem s,
an d perform a su ite of in teractive an d n on -in teractive tests on attach ed devices
(su ch as prin ters, joystick devices, SVGA m on itors, SCSI devices, CD-ROM drives).
Th e test resu lts are stored in a log wh ich can be prin ted ou t (by pressin g F2 ) or
saved in a disk file (by pressin g F3 ).
Featu res of th e diagn ostic program are accessed th rou gh a series of pu ll-down
m en u s an d basic keyboard keys (cu rsor keys to m ove h igh ligh ted poin ter, En t er key
to select a h igh ligh ted featu re, Esc key to can cel a fu n ction an d m ove back on e
PC-Doctor is typically u ser frien dly bu t if you don ’t u n derstan d a featu re,
con text-sen sitive "h elp" in form ation is available at an y tim e by pressin g th e F1
fu n ction key; pressin g th e F1 fu n ction key twice accesses th e on lin e Technica l
Reference Ma nua l for PC-Doctor.
A powerfu l set of u tilities with in PC-Doctor (th at can be ru n locally or rem otely)
sim plify th e task of determ in in g system con figu ration data, allocatin g an d u sin g
system m em ory, IRQ an d DMA u se, wh at device drivers are in stalled, wh at COM
an d LPT ports are assign ed an d wh at ports are available, iden tifyin g partition in g
data for fixed disk drive(s), determ in in g th e VGA setu p in form ation , readin g th e
software in terru pts/ in terru pt vectors, etc.
St art in g PC-Doct or
PC-Doctor com es pre-in stalled on you r Exten sa Series Notebook Com pu ter. To ru n
th e u tility, reboot you r com pu ter.
Th e system con tin u es th e boot process an d au tom atically displays th e PC-Doctor
Diagn ostics m ain m en u .
PC-Doctor Diagn ostics B-1
B.3 Keyboard Navigat ion
Th e keys sh own in Table B-1 can be u sed to n avigate th rou gh th e PC-Doctor m en u s:
Table B-1 PC-Doct or Key Assign m en t s
Descript ion
Cu rsor Keys
En t er
Moves th e h igh ligh ted poin ter.
Selects th e h igh ligh ted option .
Can cels cu rren t fu n ction an d goes back on e
Activates con text-sen sitive h elp.
Activates th e on lin e docu m en tation .
F1 (twice)
PageUp/ PageDn
Moves th e screen on e page at a tim e
Prin ts th e log.
Saves th e log to a file.
In addition , wh en you select All Test s from th e Diagn ostics m en u , th e Test
Select ion Men u th at appears u ses th e keys listed in Table B-2:
Table B-2 Test Select ion Men u Special Keys
Space Bar
En ables/ Disables th e selected test.
En ables/ Disables th e selected test.
Activates Test Option s Men u
En t er
Ru n s th e selected tests.
Disables all tests.
F1 0
B.4 Mou se Navigat ion
You can also u se a m ou se with th e u ser in terface. Use th e left m ou se bu tton to
ch oose objects (m en u en tries an d action codes in squ are brackets). Use th e righ t
m ou se bu tton as you wou ld th e Esc key to take you back to you r previou s step.
Click on th e ? in th e u pper left corn er of th e screen for con text-sen sitive h elp
Men u s.
B-2 PC-Doctor Diagn ostics
PC-Doct or Men u s
Th ere are several selection s available from th e m en u bar of th e PC-Doctor
Diagn ostics m ain m en u . Th ese in clu de:
Diagn ostics
In teractive Tests
Hardware In fo
Qu it
B.5 .1
On lin e Help (? )
To obtain con text sen sitive h elp from an y m en u , press F1 . Pressin g F1 twice (or
clickin g on th e qu estion m ark in th e u pper left-h an d corn er of th e m en u ) provides
you with com plete on lin e docu m en tation .
B.5 .2
Diagn ost ics
Th e Diagn ostics m en u allows you to ru n n on -destru ctive tests with little or n o
operator in teraction . Option s available from th e PC-Doctor Diagn ostics Men u
in clu de:
Syst em Test - tests all m ajor aspects of th e system except th ose fou n d in
Mem ory, Hard Disk, Floppy Disk, an d th e Miscellan eou s Test categories.
Mem ory Test - tests all types of m ain m em ory in th e system in clu din g base,
exten ded, expan ded, an d u pper m em ory block (UMB) m em ory.
Hard Disk Test - tests all h ard disk drives in th e system th at are eith er IDE or
provide a BIOS com m an d in terface.
Floppy Disk Test - tests all floppy disk drives in th e system .
All Test s - allows you to select wh ich tests to ru n . You can also specify special
testin g option s. By pressin g F2 , th e followin g option s are available:
Halt On Errors - in terru pts testin g if an error is detected.
Not e: Extern al serial an d parallel port testin g requ ires loopback plu gs (n ot provided
with th is software).
Ext ern al Loopback - tests extern al loopback of COM an d LPT ports.
You can select th e type of loopback adapter you wan t to u se.
Pass Cou n t - selects h ow m an y tim es tests are repeated. Th e h igh est lim it
is 9999 tim es.
Test Loggin g - open s th e Log Option s m en u th at lets you defin e h ow test
resu lts are prin ted or stored to a file du rin g testin g. By defau lt,
PC-Doctor Diagn ostics B-3
PC-Doctor produ ces a test resu lt file at th e en d of testin g if an error was
Swit ch LCD - lets you ch an ge you r video ou tpu t to eith er th e in tern al LCD,
extern al m on itor, or Sim u lSCAN m ode. If you r system does n ot su pport
Sim u lSCAN, both th e extern al m on itor an d th e bu ilt-in LCD screen go
blan k.
Cach e Con t rol - allows you to leave th e level 1 an d level 2 cach e en abled
du rin g m em ory testin g. Th is assists in trackin g down cach e tim in g issu es.
B.5 .3
In t eract ive Test s Men u
In teractive tests are diagn ostics th at n eed u ser in teraction to com plete. In teractive
tests in clu de:
Keyboard - tests th e keyboard keys, LEDs, an d repeat rate
Video - tests th e ch aracter sets, colors, m on itor, an d VGA
Speak er - tests th e volu m e respon se at differen t frequ en cies
Mou se - tests th e m ou se driver, bu tton s, an d fu n ction ality
J oyst ick - calibrates th e joystick an d tests th e bu tton s. Du rin g th e test, th e
joystick(s) sh ou ld first be calibrated. To calibrate th e joystick, m ove th e stick to
th e extrem es in each direction . PC-Doctor registers th e coordin ate data an d
adju sts th e screen display accordin gly.
Disk et t e Drive - ch ecks diskette drive fu n ction ality
Maxim u m Syst em Load - bu rn -in tests a system . Th is fu n ction sim u lates th e
operatin g con dition s th at are produ ced by operatin g system s su ch as OS/ 2 an d
Win dows NT. Som e system s are n ot com patible with th e Maxim u m system
Load test.
Prin t er Test - tests for th e correct acceptan ce an d execu tion of com m on
prin ter con trol com m an ds. Prin ter test in form ation is stored in prin ter test
files with an exten sion of .PDP.
SCSI Test - PC-Doctor con tain s SCSI device testin g featu res th at work if you
h ave an ASPI or CAM device driver loaded. You can select wh ich SCSI h ost
adapter to work with if you h ave m ore th an on e SCSI adapter presen t.
CD-ROM Test - tests CD-ROM drives u sin g th e Microsoft CD-ROM Exten sion s
(MSCDEX) an d th e stan dard CD-ROM device drivers.
B.5 .4
Hardware In fo Men u
Th is m en u con tain s fu n ction s th at determ in e an d report on th e setu p of th e
com pu ter. Non e of th ese fu n ction s perform diagn ostic tests; h owever an y errors are
in clu ded in th e reports. Th e followin g fu n ction s are available from th e Hardware
In fo m en u :
System Con figu ration - lists m ain system con figu ration data.
Mem ory Con ten ts - sh ows allocation an d u se of system m em ory
B-4 PC-Doctor Diagn ostics
IRQ an d DMA u se - iden tifies in terru pts for all stan dard IRQ an d DMA devices
Device Drivers - sh ows all essen tial data on DOS residen t an d in stallable device
COM an d LPT ports - displays in form ation abou t th e in stalled serial an d
parallel ports. On ly ports th at are iden tified by BIOS are listed
Ph ysical Disk Drives - sh ows th e basic ch aracteristics for each in stalled fixed
disk drive in clu din g th e con ten ts of partition tables
Logical Disk Drives - displays in form ation abou t each drive th at is available
an d h as a disk in it. If Stacker or Dou bleSpace disk com pression software h as
been in stalled, details abou t each "stacked" or "dou bled" drive is sh own
VGA In form ation - iden tifies th e type of in stalled VGA ch ip
Software In terru pts - displays software in terru pt vectors an d th e area of
m em ory th ey poin t to
SCSI Devices - lists in form ation abou t SCSI devices an d in terface cards if a
CAM or ASPI com plian t SCSI device driver is presen t
B.5 .5
Ut ilit y Men u
PC-Doctor h as a dedicated m en u for u tility fu n ction s. Th ese fu n ction s in clu de:
Ru n Ext ern al Test s - ru n s oth er program s from PC-Doctor
Edit CMOS RAM - gives access to CMOS RAM data
File Edit or - allows editin g of con figu ration files
Su rface Scan Hard Disk - ch ecks for defects on th e h ard disk
Ben ch m ark Syst em - m easu res system perform an ce
DOS Sh ell - open s a DOS prom pt from with in PC-Doctor
Term in al - gives access to devices con n ected to a serial port (su ch as a m odem )
Mem ory Debu gger - displays m em ory con ten ts in eith er h exadecim al, decim al,
or ASCII form
Rem ot e Operat ion - en ables rem ote con trol if available
Tech Su pport Form - allows you to collect in form ation abou t th e cu rren t
Bat t ery Ru n down - qu ickly deep-disch arges th e NiMh battery of a laptop
com pu ter.
PC-Doctor Diagn ostics B-5
B.6 Qu it t in g PC-Doct or
You can qu it PC-Doctor in th e followin g ways:
Exit (Alt -F4 ) -
Reboot - perform s a cold boot. PC-Doctor flu sh es all files an d attem pts to
flu sh write-cach es
Park HD - prepares a com pu ter for tran sport
B.7 Rem ot e Operat ion
Th is selection on ly appears in th e Utility m en u if you r PC-Doctor su pports rem ote
con trol. Th is en try open s th e Rem ote Operation m en u if you are n ot yet on lin e, or
closes th e rem ote con n ection if th e system is already rem otely con trolled.
Wh en PC-Doctor is operated rem otely, it is possible to perform a rem ote reboot.
Rem ote rebootin g is a com plicated procedu re th at reloads th e operatin g system an d
m akes ch an ges to CMOS RAM an d con figu ration files. For fu rth er in form ation on
rem ote operation s, refer to on lin e docu m en tation or h elp.
B-6 PC-Doctor Diagn ostics